5,000 congregations leave UMC

Why not fire the board of directors who keep pushing the woke madness?
The structure of the church makes it impossible once the foxes get in the henhouse.

Like the many other Liberals in our government, while the conservatives were trying to, you know, do God's work in the world, they set out to get their representatives elected as Bishops and moved onto the Judicial council which is the only group able to police the Bishops. So the council does nothing no matter how many charges of violating the Book of Discipline are brought against Liberal ministers and Bishops.

Kicker is that the founders set it up that the conference, not the congregation owns the church grounds and buildings, so that if a church went off the rails, they had a way to pull them back in. But when it's the Bishops going off the rails, we have no recourse.
I've said it before...anytime "The Church" gets out of God's will, they will suffer. While I think that is absolutely what is happening to the UMC, they are far from the only ones. I see it happening to the Baptists too, just not in such a newsworthy way.
During the Covid thing, my mom's church here in Phoenix ( UMC ), went batshit crazy.

Lots of good folk bailed because of the weirdos in charge.
A lot of churches who were struggling didn't survive the COVID thing. But some did really well. Our church upped their game with online services and used technology to record individual singers, then put them together in a group. Looked almost like Zoom for music. They called me in to do one that we had done before and I did the baritone lead in. We each recorded our parts individually and then they put them all together. Turned out surprisingly well.
Judgement day is still coming too.
The #1 deadly sin on the list of 7 gets a months celebration... what a depraved world we live in.. and the UMC is taking part in the "celebration".

In most historical accounts of other nations who ended, they went the same way. Morality went away, the perverts, podophiles and homosexuals became the norm in society. Man is a sinful being.