2 US Airmen Killed By Gunman In Germany


Driving Instructor
I did not see a thread on this if there is one please merge.
Prayers for their families.

The gunman was apparently a Kosovo national. Police said he was 21. A spokesman for Frankfurt airport operator Fraport (FRAG.DE) said the shooting took place in a US Army bus in front of Terminal 2.
I wonder if anyone is going to say the intel community failed on this.
Foxmeister said:
I wonder if anyone is going to say the intel community failed on this.
Appears that no one wants to say anything on it except you Fox! I think this is horrible and very scary. :(

Fox News is reporting: shooter in Germany was waiting for bus to arrive. ... Yelled "Allah Akbar!" when opening fire.

I agree that it's horrible. Our men and women in uniform are targets of the Islamic extremists all over the world. Germany will have jurisdiction of the shooter's trial and it will be interesting to know if this guy is involved with a sleeper cell in Germany and if there will be similar attacks.

It's interesting to note as well that Germany has very strict anti-gun laws. They are experiencing more weapons being easily smuggled into Germany with their open borders. In fact, the EU countries all have open borders making it very easy for extremists to move weapons about.