13% looting and rioting in Minneapolis...

Based on the video that has been made available, the cop in question should be charged and convicted. However, that doesn't mean rioting and looting should be permitted.

Why do they do this?

OK, by the looks of the video, the cops that did this were very wrong. The force has now fired four of them, but charges need to be filed. I cannot see any possible way this was justified.

Having said...the rioting and looting is equally wrong, and it does nothing good for the image black folks need to have. Black leaders with influence need to speak out and tell them to stop it! I predict these cops will get their due, even if the feds have to step in to get it done.
I just saw on the news where the Target store has been looted and the Auto Zone is on fire...this is all playing out on live TV in Minneapolis. Why are there hundreds of cops, yet no arrests regarding the looting?
These people are criminals. They are also stupid for destroying there own retailers/resources. I have seen the MN governor and that candy ass is not about to clamp down on anything. I have not followed the story because I refuse to get caught up in the race baiting media politics. If these cops are wrong then throw the book at them but don't stir the race pot and worsen an already bad situation. By the way there were a couple of shootings and one death again last night in the ATL, black on black. The community leaders need to keep their own house clean and quit worrying about the neighbors house.

I stand corrected the ass clown I was referring to is the mayor of Minneapolis not the Gov. of MN. I am OK with the rest of the post.
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Don'tcha need some new bed sheets and a lamp? Head on over to Target in Minneapolis...the po-po won't stop ya.

For some reason, the aisle with work shoes hasn't been touched all night long/
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No arrests because everyone must be wearing masks and standing 6ft from LE officers. This will be the catalyst to carry into Election Day, it will grow nationally.
No arrests because everyone must be wearing masks and standing 6ft from LE officers. This will be the catalyst to carry into Election Day, it will grow nationally.

You also can't arrest people, 'cause you would have to put them in cells closer than six ft apart.

You've got a country that is already on edge from being crammed inside by lockdown orders for 4 months. This event is a perfect catalyst to set off the firestorms. Since the cops are the cause, any use of them to try to bring it under control does as much damage as good. Nothing sets off people like righteous anger, .
Several blocks of their own city destroyed and burning, and now another man is dead. One report claims its due to shooting between a pawn shop owner and looters.

I ask again...how is this helping George Floyd? What is it accomplishing other than making the residents there look like criminals?

The violence will spread to LA, Chicago, Philly, Detroit, New York and even Atlanta. The fuse has been lit and we could see an all out race war right here in our streets. The Media keep pushing and it's just a matter of time until the national guard or even active army is brought in to restore order.

If the cops had quashed the looters, the violence would not have spread, but the cops stood by and di nothing, now it's gotten way out of hand.

Buy lead...plenty of lead.
In response to the arrest and death of this man, I plan on looting our local Gucci boutique.
They have a pair of loafers there that are absolutely fabulous.... yet a bit out of my price range.

Remember, no justice, no peace.
Just a couple of weeks ago, we were condemning the vigilante justice of Ahmaud Arbery. But now, people are responding to apparent police brutality with....vigilante justice.

How ironic.
My gut tells me a stand down order was issued, otherwise it would have been handled and not given the opportunity to spread. The cops blew the arrest and the higher ups blew the response to the public outcry. Of course it's all in the name of diffusing the situation but really it's a political goldmine not to be wasted.
Biden was on Twitter last night blaming it on Trump. How utterly ridiculous!

Biden is a clown.

If he's elected (and he might be), he'll just be a puppet for special interests of leftists.

Our choice is between Biden versus Trump. Think about how pathetic that really is.

We can't even manage selecting two acceptable candidates ?

Where's Chuck Norris when you really need him ?
There is another side to the story that will eventually emerge, just like Ferguson, MO and the current "murder/lynching" case going on in GA. The press always presents the "victim" as a totally flawless young man to start with...and in a few days, the guy's mugshots begin showing up from his previous encounters with LEO.

He could have been subdued (sat on) to keep him from hurting himself because he was high on something. All we saw is a cop with his knee on the guy's head. We don't know how much pressure was placed on him...and we don't know if the subject had been banging his head on the ground and he was being restrained to prevent him injuring himself any further.