Wi-Fi or Ethernet? I Tested Both to Find a Clear Winner

Duh! I really need to run cables to all my rooms in the new house. Prob is the roof is so high in the attic and no easy way to walk around up there with nothing to hold on to. I sure as hell dont want to fall through the ceiling into any of the rooms below. WiFi is working fine for us, but I would prefer a wired connection to my Nvidia Shield box for streaming.
I ran an ethernet cable at our previous house. From the main room where the router was, upstairs to the bonus room (my office). Needed it for work VOIP, wireless signal was ok for generic stuff.. It helped, but here at our new house the signal is strong enough that isn't needed.
I have a mix of stuff. My house has a full basement, so I ran wires to strategic places inside the house and even to my outdoor kitchen as it has it's own router. I use a 16 port network switch next to my gateway, and cables run from there. I have a couple of smaller network switches in a couple of places, such as an 8 port switch at my work bench so I can run multiple computers there and additional access points and feed my RF transmitter to the barn. And I have a Fire TV there (also used as a computer monitor) that is wired. Also a 4 port router in the wife's office as there's a computer and my work server (which I have to keep online for three more years) in there.

I have my Nvidia Shield streamers on wired connections. The Firesticks are wifi. All the laptops and tables are wifi.
Duh! I really need to run cables to all my rooms in the new house. Prob is the roof is so high in the attic and no easy way to walk around up there with nothing to hold on to. I sure as hell dont want to fall through the ceiling into any of the rooms below. WiFi is working fine for us, but I would prefer a wired connection to my Nvidia Shield box for streaming.
Wifi was still pretty new in 2000 when I built this house, so I home ran Cat 5 cables to all the rooms from my utility space during construction. While not using as many of them as I once did, I'm still glad I have them. I have the Roku streaming boxes hard wired for all but one, which takes a big load off of the wireless network. Also have run 1000BaseT links to my basement office so my work PC and both PCs I do video work on and the Plex Server all have GigE Service. It's nice to transfer files internally at Gigabit speeds and not impact anyone else on the network. Long live 10/100/1000BaseT!
I like the older issues with Jean Sheppard stories in them.
Duh! I really need to run cables to all my rooms in the new house. Prob is the roof is so high in the attic and no easy way to walk around up there with nothing to hold on to. I sure as hell dont want to fall through the ceiling into any of the rooms below. WiFi is working fine for us, but I would prefer a wired connection to my Nvidia Shield box for streaming.
Heeeerrreeess what you do, get some 1 x 8 or 1 x 10 boards about 6' long, 3 of them work will pretty well, then put them in the attic and leave them there. when you climb up there use the boards to make a false floor to walk on. When you get where you are going use one board to kneel on and one parallel to it to put your feet, and use the third for tools and a light. Plan your trek through the attic carefully, start to finish and you will be fine.