What does July 4th really mean?


Driving Instructor
I wrote this, and posted it as my FB status. Just wanted to share.

Who are we? Really? Are we the people our founders thought we would be? Have we learned from the lessons of history? Or, are we hanging on to the divisive parts? Once we leave school do we continue to learn?
Have we given away our freedoms? Are we still a representative Republic? Or, are we headed for Marxism?
Our letter to the King of England outlined why we wanted out from under his rule. Our bill of rights tell us what our founders wanted for all of us. Our Constitution explains how our government is to work.
We are so far off from the founders it isn't even funny.
I think our Founding Fathers would be ashamed of what we have become today.

I have often wondered what our Founding Fathers would have done if they had lived and served in government today as we often face challenges they could not even imagine back then. What would they have done following the attacks on 9/11? It's easy for some to say they would have never supported the Patriot Bill, but would they have or wouldn't they? Nobody can honestly answer for them.