Undecided voters found Harris 'abrasive, condescending' in vice presidential debate: Frank Luntz

Here is a comment I agree with:

She couldn't even win her home state during the DNC nominee campaign. She pummeled China Joe for being a racist and segregationist, and somehow got picked for VP. What was Soros thinking????

I have to laugh now when the very people who rejected her, chose everyone but her... now tell others how great she will be to vote for. Dems are idiots.

First, you could settle for Biden. Compromise all of your principles and everything you stand for. Hold your nose inside the booth and cast your sacred vote for a privileged old white male kleptocrat who represents everything you despise. Afterward, you’ll need to cry about it in the shower for a couple of hours because you’ll feel so dirty, broken and betrayed. You know, sort of like Tara Reade.

Second, you could vote for Kanye West. At least he’s a real black American, and not another fake child of privileged academia like Biden’s likely VP running mate Kamala Harris.

Or there’s a third option. If you Bernie Bros really want to stick it to “The Man” and strike a blow against the corrupt Democrat Party officials who rigged your dreams of a workers’ paradise right out from under you, you could cast the ultimate protest vote – for Donald J. Trump. That would really stick it to the b*stards who stole the race from Bernie.

Anyway, that’s my two cents for the Bernie Bros.
