The Resurgent: I Now Believe Donald Trump Is On Track to Win the Presidency

Jamie Weaver

Licensed Driver
I Now Believe Donald Trump Is On Track to Win the Presidency
By Erick Erickson | July 25, 2016, 05:00am

I have said repeatedly, over and over, ad nauseum that I do not believe Donald Trump will win the Presidency. Yes, it has always been possible, but it has been very, very improbable that this would happen. I have also said repeatedly that events can change things. And events are now changing things rapidly.

Those rapidly changing events are a staggering intervention into the political process by aggressive Trump supporters I never anticipated and only in the last few months realize they were there. They have mobilized, are unwavering in their support, and will say and do anything to get Trump elected.

Hillary Clinton has no such effort on her part. The people supporting Hillary Clinton are mostly supporting her because she is not Trump. But Trump now has a loyal, highly expert group of foot soldiers who are not anti-Clinton, but very pro-Trump. In a 50-50 nation, these loyal foot soldiers may be enough to put Trump over the edge.

They have just leaked damning emails about Hillary Clinton and the Democrats. The weekend of the start of the Democratic National Convention, the Russian hackers via Wikileaks have turned the Democratic convention upside down. The DNC Chair is out. The Sanders supporters are now on the verge of street violence in Philadelphia that did not happen in Cleveland.

I suspect that there will be a Russian hacker engineered October surprise where they dump all the emails they swiped from Hillary Clinton’s server throwing her more fully into chaos and damage control. They will put Clinton on defense in ways she has never been. I would not be surprised if the Clinton Foundation is likewise hacked.

All the while, the GOP will cheer it on because their team is winning and they will completely ignore the national security and national integrity questions arising from a Vladimir Putin backed foreign army of hactivists actively working to undermine Hillary Clinton in order to get Donald Trump in the White House.

We cannot ignore that this provides Trump an advantage he would not have on his own. If the election stays close, Trump has a very real shot at getting pushed first past the post with a strong assist from Moscow. It is a very real possibility.

A major American political party is being undermined by a foreign power with the intent to affect the American Presidential election. While those of us on the right can marvel at what the data dump reveals and confirms for us about the Democrats, we should also be very concerned about such foreign interference in our elections.

I'm glad Erickson was wrong. I'm glad the democrats are being exposed, but I agree with his sentiments towards Russia's involvement.

- Jamie
My feelings are changing too, I see Hillary and the Democrats falling apart.

And ditto on the Russian's involvement. I have two questions:

1-Why is our e-mail security so bad that Russia can so easily hack us
2-What are the reasons for Russia's apparent preference toward Trump?

These things concern me in may ways.
Computer security is very hard. Much like with terrorists, you have to be right all the time and the hackers only have to get in once. New vulnerabilities are discovered all the time that take a while to patch.

Yeah, not sure why Putin wants Trump to win...seems like it would be the opposite.
Computer security is very hard. Much like with terrorists, you have to be right all the time and the hackers only have to get in once. New vulnerabilities are discovered all the time that take a while to patch.

Yeah, not sure why Putin wants Trump to win...seems like it would be the opposite.
Agree on security, it's difficult to keep hackers out all the time. As far at Russia, my thought is that Putin knows Trump has a certain level of respect for him and that Trump won't be as easily manipulated by party elites. Unlike with Trump, Putin knows he's up against not just HRC if she wins but also with her puppet string handlers.
I was hearing that Hillary and the MSM are spinning the Russia angle just to deflect more off of her and the democrats. Kinda like they spun the "video" thing for Benghazi. Something smells here....
Unless there's something I totally don't know about; I would think Russia would prefer a weak government, which would be Hillary.

So I'm confused here.
Perhaps Putin doesn't want Trump at all. As so many Americans do not trust Putin; perhaps Putin feels if it looks like he supports Trump, it will help Clinton. Nobody really knows who hacked into the DNC and right now it's pure speculation. We all have seen in the news reports how the MSM was doing the Clinton campaign's bidding against Sanders. Perhaps this is another example of the MSM following marching orders from the Clinton camp. They are good at making up stories quickly. Remember how quickly Clinton came up with blaming the video for what happened in Benghazi?
I would think that having a strong, sensible government that isn't easily manipulated by who knows who, would be better for both us AND Russia. Better relations and business/trade opportunities.
The only ones I hear saying that Russia prefers Trump are the DEM's. Just consider the source.