The Dow Plunged 634 Points Because Stocks Took a Double Punch

What do you expect after appointing Janet Yellon as the Sec of Treasury. Which reminds me, when she speaks it reminds me of someone who is constipated and straining. No, you cannot unread that now and will think of it the next time she’s giving a speech. Someone give that lady a laxative.

Today's hottest stock picks can be manipulated way too easily. Pump and Dump schemes to drive the price way up and leave someone holding the bag when big money investors bail out at the right time. I like old boring stocks with a good dividends history ... nothing fancy. Boring is good. My great--grandfather made a lot of money in salt. It'll be around long after the greatest companies are history. Boring old salt. Salt is money. Invest in salt.
The stock market has become a video game, people are buying and selling, not based on the company and results, but based on what they thing other people will do.

The Dow dropped yesterday, my company was up 2.00. Dow is up today, my company is down. 2.00. Good grief.
One of the worst things about the Reddit kiddies is that they actually killed Gamestop. Two turn around investors cashed out and walked. Which one of those Reddit morons are going to step up and provide some long term financing and their expertise turning around poorly run retail companies who are in a dying brisk and mortar space?
OK go ahead and throw stones at me. The market needs correcting. These numbers the last few years are as bogus as the pre 2008 numbers without any real property/product to back the numbers. I would suggest moving 401's to bonds if 401's are a concern. You have not seen anything yet. Not predicting a crash but the market cannot bear growth based on information technology and speculation. In the end there must be something tangible to drive the economy whether it is a product or service. Aside from 401's the average Joe has no skin in the market it is a speculators/billionaires game. I would rather see an adjustment over time than a crash.
I heard something interesting tonight at the gym. The young Millennials were talking about the newest video game that everyone is playing. Turns out it’s not a video game but the stock market...and they love the Robinhood platform, Just a nugget of public information there which may help you steer the market.
One of the worst things about the Reddit kiddies is that they actually killed Gamestop. Two turn around investors cashed out and walked. Which one of those Reddit morons are going to step up and provide some long term financing and their expertise turning around poorly run retail companies who are in a dying brisk and mortar space?

I truly don't understand why it's okay for hedge funds to do this, but not okay for Redditt retail investors ???

Color me confused...
I made a tidy profit with day trading during the tech bubble.

Not understanding the problem here...
The only problem is the little people won and the pros got it handed to them. Rumor has it that the new “game” is now towards silver and that it could have a profound impact on our economy. I will not participate at all but will be watching from the sidelines.