Stupid Girl Gets Called Out

Far West

Pursuit Driver

Look at this article... she knew she would be called out... she has set it up that anyone who calles Bull Shit will be seen as an abuser, a bully, because this "trama of Jan 6th reminded her of her "sexual assault."

"There's the trauma of going through what you went through," she said, "and then there's the trauma afterwards of people not believing you, or trying to publicly humiliate you, or trying to embarrass you.

"And that also gets internalised, too, because a lot of times you don't want to believe it either."

Ms Ocasio-Cortez said she was prepared for criticism after sharing her sexual assault ordeal because it was not directly related to the Capitol riot.

"People are going to say that, 'Oh, she's just trying to make it about her,'" she said. But all of your traumas can intersect and interact, she added.

She said Congress had made counsellors available for lawmakers, especially those who had encountered rioters, in order to help them process the ordeal.

"Those folks who are just trying to tell us to move on are just like pulling the page, they're using the same tactics of every other abuser who just tells you to move on," she said.

More people need to call her out, and all dems who supported BLM and the riots of the summer.

Because the dems are ready to go hunting for conservatives and police thoughts.


Riots happened all over the country. Sections of Minneapolis burned after Mayor Frey failed to put the riot down quickly. From there violence spread nationwide, tearing the country apart. Sections of Kenosha, Wisc., burned. Seattle turned part of itself over to insurrectionists who declared a temporary tiny country. Dallas, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Houston, St. Louis — riots everywhere. Portland went from being a lovably dopey coastal city to a freak show and stayed there for about 100 days straight. Now its reputation is trash. Insurrectionists attacked police headquarters, federal buildings, and ordinary businesses — in multiple cities across several weeks.

A mob blocked a street in Austin, Texas, late one Saturday night. That turned deadly in a flash when one of the rioters brandished a rifle at a driver — who was a military member and licensed handgun carrier. Riots did stop in Austin shortly thereafter.

Millions of Americans responded by buying guns for the first time in their lives. They didn’t do that because they were confident about the future. They did that because AOC and her allies were busy defunding police when they weren’t actively supporting the violent riots.

I bring all of this up not to rehash the past year, but to wonder again if the synapses in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s brain ever make the most obvious, elementary connections. Or if there is anything genuine or honest about her at all. Does she experience empathy for anyone other than her extremist squadmates?
Giving AOC every benefit of the doubt — which is something she never gives anyone who disagrees with her — her mind should have made a very simple and obvious connection, one that would have altered her thinking about the past year and the one ahead.

If she feared for her life that day, what about the millions of Americans whose cities were plagued by deadly riots for days, weeks, and months? Did we have any less reason to fear than she did? No, we had more reasons to fear than she did. AOC and her ilk were cheering on the “defund the police” activists during active, violent riots.

Are they all sociopaths?

What about the police officers who had to deal with the violence? What about their families, who never knew if the riot of the day would claim the life of their loved one? What about the business owners whose livelihoods were looted or even went up in flames?

What about those of us who love our country and were heartbroken to see it torn apart?

Did AOC ever consider the impact of the riots that she supported on everyday, innocent Americans? Did she ever once consider the possibility of backlash or retaliation?

There’s no evidence she did. AOC would tweet or say, in friendly interviews, that people need to be made uncomfortable and the demonstrations and riots accomplished that. She said that some people “have no choice but to riot.”

But all that has consequences. Silence is violence, and so is speaking, according to AOC and her allies. AOC never demonstrated that she cared about the people affected by her rhetoric tacitly supporting rioting and violence across America — at all.