Southern Baptists Battling for Denomination's Future Direction

God gave us the ability to govern ourselves and we as Christians need to be good stewards to the ability to do so. Some of us can remember when you could see the Ten Commandments displayed in courthouses, could pray at school, and government meetings were often opened with prayer. We have seen the government remove the Ten Commandments from the courthouses, remove prayer at the beginning of government meetings and banned prayer from schools. A school district fired a football coach for allowing students to voluntarily pray with him before the start of games.

So how did all of this happen? Because so many Christians are so hung up on the separation of church and state, that they actually believe God should not have a presence everywhere. These same "Christians" vote for political candidates who support un-Godly laws such as abortion. You see these types of "Christians" in churches every Sunday acting piously, yet they support transgenders, gay marriage, abortions, and the removal of the God they claim to worship from all public places.

I have a good friend of mine who served with me in Afghanistan who is now a Southern Baptist minister. He was asked to leave his previous church because there were those who opposed him posting his political beliefs on Facebook; stating he had no business doing so as a minister, especially one at their church. What did he post? His positions against abortion, gay marriage, and transgenders. His position at that church was only as a part-time position. Now he's the minister at a larger Baptist church, one where the congregation feels about these ungodly issues as he does.

Episcopalians started allowing gays to be ministers. They support gay marriage, they have embraced transgenderism, and it opposes statutory limits on abortion (even though they say it should only be conducted in extreme situations).

I left the Methodist church in 2011 as many members were supporting gay marriage and abortions. From the things I have read and heard, it looks like the Methodists will embrace these ungodly issues as the Episcopalians have.

We can thank "Christians" like these for the decline of morality in this country.