So when do we start hearing ...


Pursuit Driver
the cuts discussions for Paulding? You know there are going to be more cuts in our schools for next year. There's simply no way around it. When will we start to hear the ideas of what and how much to cut?
And to really get the topic warmed up ... what would you cut? Feel free to explain your position, if you like.
I'd cut In School Suspension (ISS). When a kid gets susepended, the resulting burden for the suspension should be placed on the child's parents and not the school. It costs the schools money to hire a teacher to sit with them all day.

I'm sure there are ways to consolidate some bus routes as well. If the school maintenance dept cuts all the grass, I'm sure it would be worthwhile to look into ways to contract this out to save money. I'd have to look at the current budget before I could come up with any other firm ideas for cuts.
This is going to be very unpopular, but I would cut para-pros.

I had never heard of them until I moved here, and I see no reason for them.
MrsB said:
This is going to be very unpopular...
Doesn't matter ... I want folks to let all ideas fly here.

I tend to agree with you with when it comes to the ones in the kindergarten classes. Since I have no direct experience with the other ones in the school, I'm not comfortable making a call on the others. I gather we do have some students that really do need the direct assistance through the day. Since we apparently refuse to allow special ed classes to address the special needs of some of our students in a better atmosphere it leaves us with a need for the parapros for these students.
MrsB said:
This is going to be very unpopular, but I would cut para-pros.

I had never heard of them until I moved here, and I see no reason for them.

I can agree with that. They never had them when I was going to school and they didn't have them while I lived in MI either.
unionmom said:
MrsB said:
This is going to be very unpopular...
Doesn't matter ... I want folks to let all ideas fly here.

I tend to agree with you with when it comes to the ones in the kindergarten classes. Since I have no direct experience with the other ones in the school, I'm not comfortable making a call on the others. I gather we do have some students that really do need the direct assistance through the day. Since we apparently refuse to allow special ed classes to address the special needs of some of our students in a better atmosphere it leaves us with a need for the parapros for these students.
When I was at KSU going to be a teacher was the first I'd heard of them. I had classes with several that were going to be teachers. They described their jobs as teacher's helpers, basically. IDK, as I never saw one in action. I would remoce para-pros and add special ed classes. Special ed with two or three teachers, depending on the class size.
Turn off the power when school lets out and make the PTA meeting be held by candle light. Oh, and they'll need to SPEAK UP since the sound system will be off and bring one of those paper, funeral home fans to keep cool.
Cut out all the middle-management spots at the board of ed. Don't know about Paulding, but in the county where I grew up, they have three asst. supts. I know two of them personally, and believe you me, they are just about the goofiest jackanapes anybody ever hired. I shudder to think the salaries they are drawing.