Raphael Warnock: Nobody can serve God and the military

His campaign is now trying to backtrack what he said.

Here's what Warnock said, "America, nobody can serve God and the military,” You can’t serve God and money. You cannot serve God and mammon at the same time. America, choose ye this day who you will serve. Choose ye this day.”

Here's what his campaign put out, “This sermon is based on a biblical verse that reads ‘No man can serve two masters… Ye cannot serve God and mammon,’ a biblical term for wealth," Terrence Clark, communications director for the Warnock campaign, said in a statement to Fox News. "Reverend Warnock was speaking about the need to commit to moral life before pursuing other priorities."

His campaign chose to ignore the military part as if it was never said. I love the last sentence. Is Warnock seeking to live a moral life when he supports abortions? It appears to me Warnock chooses to serve politics before God.

As far as his original statement, "nobody can serve God and the military;" is BS. Take it from me who served 29 years; it's a job. Sure the job requires more from people than what you find in other jobs; but it is still a job. The military requires you to stay in physical shape that is necessary for war. The military has chapels on its installations and military chaplains to provide religious services and counseling. You guys know all that and so does Warnock.

So what was Warnock really saying when he said you cannot serve God and the military? If he thinks all should serve God; then he believes we should not have a military or at least not a military large enough to adequately defend our country. Here's what I think he really wants to see a military filled with people who have no moral conscience. People who would not think twice if the government order them to violate the Posse Commitatus Act by going door to door confiscating firearms and putting those who do not agree with the government in concentration camps.

Since Omar quoted from Matthew; I'll do the same from Matthew 7:15, "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."
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"This sermon is based on a biblical verse that reads 'No man can serve two masters' ... Reverend Warnock was speaking about the need to commit to moral life before pursing other priorities," Terrence Clark, communications director for the Warnock campaign, said in a statement.

That statement does nothing to help rationalize what Warnock said. You can take the statement several different ways: you can't live a moral life if you serve in the military; if you lead a moral life than you should not join the military; the military will corrupt moral people to become immoral.

61,322 Georgians currently serve on active duty in our military. 26,767 Georgians serve in the reserves. There are 32,832 Georgians who work as civilians for the military. That's 120,921 voters right there.
He needs to apply that part of the Word to his own life and decide if he's going to serve God or the Democratic Party.