Racism or not?

Guard Dad

Staff member

I can't seem to get the video on the link to to play, so I'm including a youtube clip below.

So, when she called 911, she told them she was being threatened by "an African American man".

But is using a descriptor racist? She also said he was a man. If saying he was African American racist, is describing him as a man sexist? What if she had further described him as short, tall, skinny, fat, ugly, smelly, a cat lover, etc? Would those statements also be discriminatory?

Frankly, she comes across as a a screwball, her reaction to him seemed excessive. But my initial reaction is that calling this racism is a stretch. Hypersensitivity strikes again.


Everyone and everything concerning a white person is racist to some degree under the current definition of racism. I know blacks and Hispanics that are far more racist than some of my good ole boy buddies. This chick is a product of todays society. Younger folks especially urban dwellers are scared of everything in this world. The media and the left have created these minions who are convinced the world is evil and only the government can protect them. The statement definitely can be considered racist by todays ridiculous standards. Whether she is actually a racist I have no idea. By her actions on this clip she appears to be a self centered dumb ass. But does a self centered DA who utters the descriptive word black deserve to lose her livelihood? We are on a very slippery slope when it comes to race relations in this country.
For once, I kinda agree with the mayor:

She called the police BECAUSE he was a Black man. Even though she was the one breaking the rules. She decided he was the criminal and we know why. This kind of hatred has no place in our city.

She also seemed to think that a report of "threatening her life" would be believed instantly because he was black. (or a man, which is just as bad)

I also think Stonewall has a point, the news and both political sides have created an environment where it's encouraged that if someone is not completely for you and all you believe in, then they are evil and dangerous.

We'll never know how it would have turned out had it been a white guy asking her to take her dog elsewhere.

In any case, I'm not sure I'd want someone that flaky working for my company in any case.
I guess I'm a cold hearted you know what....who gives a crap about the birds or the dog off leash. I couldn't care less about a lady with her dog unleashed in a bird sanctuary and certainly wouldn't confront her about it or go to the extent of recording it. I also couldn't care less about someone recording someone with a dog unleashed in a bird sanctuary.

As a poster here says from time to time, "First World Problem."
Everyone and everything concerning a white person is racist to some degree under the current definition of racism. I know blacks and Hispanics that are far more racist than some of my good ole boy buddies. This chick is a product of todays society. Younger folks especially urban dwellers are scared of everything in this world. The media and the left have created these minions who are convinced the world is evil and only the government can protect them. The statement definitely can be considered racist by todays ridiculous standards. Whether she is actually a racist I have no idea. By her actions on this clip she appears to be a self centered dumb ass. But does a self centered DA who utters the descriptive word black deserve to lose her livelihood? We are on a very slippery slope when it comes to race relations in this country.

This is out there. It's public. I sure wouldn't want her working for me, or representing my company (if I had one).
You don't know what's in her heart, but the fact that she even mentioned African American when "I'm going to tell the police a man is harassing me" would suffice, kinda points that direction. Like adding African American was the important thing here.