Point to ponder - George Soros

Captain Rhett Butler

Driving Instructor
It's been said in the media that George Soros has been funding many of the protests around colleges all across America. Its also been said these protests will hurt Biden's re-election chances more than it will help Trump.

So my question is....Why has George Soros turned on President Biden?

Soros funds left wing stuff, Biden's as left wing as it gets, yet Soros is hurting Biden. by funding the protests. Is there something bigger going on that we can't comprehend? Makes you wonder who's really pulling the puppet strings of the old guy at 1600.
I would not assume the protests are hurting Biden, that's likely Media B.S. I saw another "news" article last night claiming Biden is leading Trump again, and there is absolutely nothing to support such a claim. The media is making a lot of stuff up right now, wither to make news at a time when politics is fairly flat, or to try and make people think things are going well for Biden, when they are not.

The Soros family is bent on world domination, and they have figured out how to profit from economic destruction. I don't think it's so much that Soros supports Democrats, as he pays them to be useful idiots in his agenda.

The protests are but one of the types of social unrest being used by Soros and other powers to divide our country and cause damage. Soros almost crashed Russia's economy years ago, but Putin had the sense to kick the man out of the country. Since Soros owns many of the politicians in this country, that isn't likely to happen here.