Olive Tree~Tomorrow-Aug 4th-5:00pm Post ONLY if coming


Can we have this as a post only if you are definitely coming tomorrow? Just so when we get there we know what size table to ask for. Thanks!!

BBG & MamaHog
ShoeDiva & Husband
So just my 3 favoritist people huh? I'm cool with that!!! I'm not counting MamaHog though because just beat the hell out of me at cribbage 2 games in a row and I am not on speaking terms with her at the moment. This is for you babe!!! :neenerbutt
Well, I didn't need to go out of town but me and the Mr needed date day/night. We went to eat and then to Dicks to look at gun safes. :sleep

I hope y'all had a blast.!!! NEXT TIME, I PROMISE! BTW- did Mei Lan show? *secretlyhopingnot*
I hope you guys had fun...I was coming but hubby surprised me with a date night since our kids were both gone. He treated me to a nice dinner at Ted's at Cumberland. We did this as an early anniversary dinner since we won't be able to on the 25th ;D
:eek: :eek:

