Mississippi sheriff's deputy fataly shot

Boss 302

Pursuit Driver
This is a bad time to be a cop.
Yes it is. All because of a few bad ones that resulted in the MSM painting a picture that all police departments are full of racists. Stats show overwhelmingly that black males stand a far greater chance of being killed by another black male than a police officer.
Remember when I was criticizing people who were demanding hazard pay for returnIng to work after the shutdown? Well, this would be an example of true hazard pay and I’d have no issue at all with officers asking for it but I doubt many would “stand down” if they didn’t get it. It takes a special type of person to go into a LE career and not many do it for the money. It’s a tough and demanding job both physically and mentally and It also takes a toll on their family. I salute each and every one of them, they deserve nothing less than our upmost gratitude and respect. The next time I get pulled over for speeding I just hope I can remember this.