Matthew story for Tuesday...


Driver In Training
Ok, I was trying to figure out what Matthew did today that was cute enough to here ya go.

He keeps bringing toys in the living room and showing me then he will play with it for a minute or two then he takes them back to his room. While doing so, he will tell me what it is. So he loves his Toy Story toys. And one of them is barbie. So when he brought them out to show me....he said Barbie...... Oh forgot to mention that Barbie is always naked. :)
But when he says Barbie it comes out "Boobie"

I always get a laugh at him when we are in a store and he sees barbie and says "boobie"

Can't help but laugh.
Sorry it wasn't that great of a story....
Thanks Lacey, Matthew is so adorable. I just want to squeeze him. I can just see him saying boobie. LOL