kidney stone

Thanks guys..... feeling pretty thankful that we have this kind of medical care and technology at our fingertips.

Lithotripsy is a GodSend.

I was a heck of a way to celebrate the 26th Wedding Anniversary between The TrophyWife & Me.
Update on my kidney stone / post surgery

So today I go in for the follow-up X-Ray and exam.

The X-Ray: Guess what... the stone that was (allegedly) broken up with lithotripsy 2 weeks ago. Still There. Big & Angry.

So mister doctor "I've got my face in the fashion magazine of Scottsdale." (he really does) said to me - we're taking out the stent today and going back for another round of lithotripsy in a couple of weeks.

Really?? co-pay on the lithotripsy is about $1000.00.
Whatever.... I suppose that the doctor's Maserati oil changes don't come cheap.

I digress.

Okay.... surgery again in two weeks.
Let's just pray that this stone doesn't try to pass on it's own in the next two weeks; I would end up in the ER, for sure.

The stent removal (it hurts to even type about it.)

100% the worst pain I've ever experienced. Period. It was a Burning Hell.

Never mind that my appointment was at 1:30 and the stent wasn't removed until 3:30 (separate issue).

They stick a rod up the ol' StummpenKukel and fish around inside the bladder looking for the stent.
He then grabs it with a fishhook or a pasta fork and yanks it out.

I asked him: "Do you have a towel I can bite on?"

His answer: "No Towel. Breathe"

Instead I just chewed on my t-shirt ( that t-shirt is Prada, dammit.... now it's ruined.)

So, it's back to the surgery suite in two or three weeks. This can't end soon enough.

** Every word above is true.

.... except for the 'pasta fork', I may have taken creative liberties there.

& the t-shirt was from Target, not Prada.