It was a good day

Guard Dad

Staff member
Met the daughter and her new hubby (fresh back from Mexico) for church this morning, then went to lunch with them and my inlaws. Visited a buddy who had surgery Thursday, came home and took a 1.5 hour nap, and had a good swim.

I'm still lobbying for that 3-day weekend though. :B_S
I sure miss my 3-day work week. But, I can't complain too loudly, I still have a lot of flexibility.

Yesterday was football (and Dixie Speedway last night for the family. I didn't want to go.) and today was laundry mostly. Getting ready for the week. Thankfully, the husband ran to the grocery store for me.
Yep, give me 3 days too! I WOULD LOVE it, but cannot complain because I DO have a job.