Is everyone...

Yep. It's been another long one.

But Mrs. Mac made it home safely from her business trip so it's all good.
It has seemed like a very long week even though I worked my tail off all week long - you would have thought it would have gone by fast. Sooooooooo looking forward to Saturday and Sunday!
I.AM.POOPED. And I didn't even work today. But, I did work my tail off tonight making a fabulous dinner! :D
I am so tired, I am not even tired anymore. This week has been long, but fast. I have been going like crazy with a cold on top of it all. This weekend is not going to be any better. Heck I just finished torting and filling all my cakes. :faint
ShoeDiva said:
I am so tired, I am not even tired anymore. This week has been long, but fast. I have been going like crazy with a cold on top of it all. This weekend is not going to be any better. Heck I just finished torting and filling all my cakes. :faint
"Long but fast", good way of putting it. I was at warp speed all week, yet it seemed like it would never end.

Next week will be even worse for me, I have deadlines like never before. But also opportunities to make some money, which is needed to pay the gestapo tax man.
Monday through Thursday both of my kids each had different places to be every night, plus my Mom's birthday dinner this week. Next week is conference week. 2 days I'll leave work early since I couldn't work out getting them on the same day. So, work will be crazy and home life crazy. Ugh. Kids get out of school early. Only 2 days of taking kids in 2 different directions, although my son is booked all 4 days.