In light of recent events: Utopia Government.

Due to the recent events, and I'm including up to the last 8 years of recent events with the escalation in the past year, I have begun to wonder why haven't anyone yet try to implement a new form of Government. With all the masses crying for a reform on many fronts, this could be just the solution that works for both the conservatives and liberals. This type of government might sound a bit socialistic but hear me out.

What if the Government of the United States of America was ran by the people for the people? (I can hear your smirks, grumbling and see your eyes rolling. Please contain yourself until the end of the ride. Thank you) I am quite serious about this. In every position from the city council, mayors, commissioners, governors to senators and house of representatives have everyday people appointed for 1 or 2 year terms. Here is the kicker: they would not be voted in, have elections, or buy their way into a position but randomly selected just like citizens get randomly selected for jury duty. Oh and of course, pay will be minimum wage.
Certain rules will apply, such as no criminal record, must pass a background, be of minimum 25 years of age, and a citizen of the United States. No discrimination based on credit score, occupation, nationality, race, or Myers -Briggs test scores. Everyone will have an equal chance to serve in an official capacity and do their duty to our country. There will be no more career politicians, corruption, buying of votes, voter fraud, empty promises to the public and upholding only the promises made to the money bags that made huge donations to a political campaign.
This government would be exclusively made up of a working force (oh my... Lenin and Marx would be so proud of me right now for using the "working force" term) and serving in a whatever position this government-duty-lottery would place you in would be mandatory.
Of course, I don't have everything worked out for this Utopia yet, but that's what "we the people" would decide on and figure out as it develops.

Ok, ok yes I do know it's all about money and why would the career politicians and all these elite families that have been breeding, I mean having children, with a precise and only goal in mind of continuing their legacy in politics for generation after generation after generation give up their sphere of influence on Capitol Hill? And why would anyone ever want to have an average Joe sitting in Senate and proposing covid vaccine being distributed to the elderly instead of discussing how not to offend the easily offended with such language in legislation as "mother, father, sister, brother"?

But if I was a dreamer... and if I was tired of just hearing constant complaints from both sides with no real solutions offered by either... I would probably look for Utopia in light of recent events.

P.S. I probably should make a disclaimer to the general public and anyone checking the internet for record keeping (please don't pay my paranoia or feelings of grandeur any attention here) and state that the post above was done with tongue-in-cheek, parody, sarcasm, or whatever else you'd like to call it and not to be taken personally if it should suddenly resonate with you on any level. No harm to liberals, conservatives or elite families on the Capital Hill was ever intended or planned by suggesting removing them all from the Government and be replaced by a Utopia of my imagination. I personally find theories of Durkheim a bit more intelligent, so Lenin and Marx would still think me a traitor, even if I didn't flee to the capitalistic country I was taught to secretly love.
I've often thought that this system could work well by starting small. Select county commissioners and school board for one term by lot. Then from that group elect a state rep for one term. From that group elect two people for one term, one US rep and one state senator for each district. From the state senators elect three people for one term, two US senators and one state governor. From the group of all governors, elect for one term a President and Vice-President of the US.
This structure gives the electorate a chance to study the actions and abilities of the candidates to govern.
This might work if you make accepting a bribe punishable by the death penalty.

Otherwise, getting selected to be something for two years would be like winning the lottery.
This might work if you make accepting a bribe punishable by the death penalty.

Otherwise, getting selected to be something for two years would be like winning the lottery.
How are we stopping it now?? well, were not. But if they want to move on in an election, they probably would tend to keep their nose clean.
I've often thought that this system could work well by starting small. Select county commissioners and school board for one term by lot. Then from that group elect a state rep for one term. From that group elect two people for one term, one US rep and one state senator for each district. From the state senators elect three people for one term, two US senators and one state governor. From the group of all governors, elect for one term a President and Vice-President of the US.
This structure gives the electorate a chance to study the actions and abilities of the candidates to govern.
That’s a good model.
I would though insist on paying them all the same wages as they were earning in their job prior to doing their duty to our country.
This might work if you make accepting a bribe punishable by the death penalty.

Otherwise, getting selected to be something for two years would be like winning the lottery.
It wouldn’t be a lottery if they were paid no more but whatever they were earning before.

however, I do agree with the death penalty for bribery. That can be classified as an act of treason.
Due to the recent events, and I'm including up to the last 8 years of recent events with the escalation in the past year, I have begun to wonder why haven't anyone yet try to implement a new form of Government. With all the masses crying for a reform on many fronts, this could be just the solution that works for both the conservatives and liberals. This type of government might sound a bit socialistic but hear me out.

What if the Government of the United States of America was ran by the people for the people? (I can hear your smirks, grumbling and see your eyes rolling. Please contain yourself until the end of the ride. Thank you) I am quite serious about this. In every position from the city council, mayors, commissioners, governors to senators and house of representatives have everyday people appointed for 1 or 2 year terms. Here is the kicker: they would not be voted in, have elections, or buy their way into a position but randomly selected just like citizens get randomly selected for jury duty. Oh and of course, pay will be minimum wage.
Certain rules will apply, such as no criminal record, must pass a background, be of minimum 25 years of age, and a citizen of the United States. No discrimination based on credit score, occupation, nationality, race, or Myers -Briggs test scores. Everyone will have an equal chance to serve in an official capacity and do their duty to our country. There will be no more career politicians, corruption, buying of votes, voter fraud, empty promises to the public and upholding only the promises made to the money bags that made huge donations to a political campaign.
This government would be exclusively made up of a working force (oh my... Lenin and Marx would be so proud of me right now for using the "working force" term) and serving in a whatever position this government-duty-lottery would place you in would be mandatory.
Of course, I don't have everything worked out for this Utopia yet, but that's what "we the people" would decide on and figure out as it develops.

Ok, ok yes I do know it's all about money and why would the career politicians and all these elite families that have been breeding, I mean having children, with a precise and only goal in mind of continuing their legacy in politics for generation after generation after generation give up their sphere of influence on Capitol Hill? And why would anyone ever want to have an average Joe sitting in Senate and proposing covid vaccine being distributed to the elderly instead of discussing how not to offend the easily offended with such language in legislation as "mother, father, sister, brother"?

But if I was a dreamer... and if I was tired of just hearing constant complaints from both sides with no real solutions offered by either... I would probably look for Utopia in light of recent events.

P.S. I probably should make a disclaimer to the general public and anyone checking the internet for record keeping (please don't pay my paranoia or feelings of grandeur any attention here) and state that the post above was done with tongue-in-cheek, parody, sarcasm, or whatever else you'd like to call it and not to be taken personally if it should suddenly resonate with you on any level. No harm to liberals, conservatives or elite families on the Capital Hill was ever intended or planned by suggesting removing them all from the Government and be replaced by a Utopia of my imagination. I personally find theories of Durkheim a bit more intelligent, so Lenin and Marx would still think me a traitor, even if I didn't flee to the capitalistic country I was taught to secretly love.
Great idea... however since moving to Paulding County in 1998 I watched a small community have so much corruption.

You had Bill Carruth, Jerry Sherrin, Blake Swafford...add on with others you recall that were corrupt... We finally ousted Sherrin. Other's with no political background, who were just businessmen, came forward to run for and be electected commissioner.

"(County Chairman David Austin) kept secrets about the airport development with Propeller Investments. He used code names for certain projects and refused to trust a county commissioner he thought might spill his secrets," she said.

Post 2 County Commissioner Todd Pownall says he was kept in the dark about the airport lease to Propeller Investments. In a heated County Commission meeting shortly after the lease was made public, Pownall blasted County Chairman Austin for keeping it from him. In return. Austin intimated Pownall couldn't be trusted.

I was shocked what happens when people become part of the political system.

I realized that if that much corruption and deception could happen in our little county it is no wonder large cities and federal representatives are so screwed up.

I think what you are proposing is term limits... I don't expect the potential for corruption is any less.
Great idea... however since moving to Paulding County in 1998 I watched a small community have so much corruption.

You had Bill Carruth, Jerry Sherrin, Blake Swafford...add on with others you recall that were corrupt... We finally ousted Sherrin. Other's with no political background, who were just businessmen, came forward to run for and be electected commissioner.

"(County Chairman David Austin) kept secrets about the airport development with Propeller Investments. He used code names for certain projects and refused to trust a county commissioner he thought might spill his secrets," she said.

Post 2 County Commissioner Todd Pownall says he was kept in the dark about the airport lease to Propeller Investments. In a heated County Commission meeting shortly after the lease was made public, Pownall blasted County Chairman Austin for keeping it from him. In return. Austin intimated Pownall couldn't be trusted.

I was shocked what happens when people become part of the political system.

I realized that if that much corruption and deception could happen in our little county it is no wonder large cities and federal representatives are so screwed up.

I think what you are proposing is term limits... I don't expect the potential for corruption is any less.
I believe that corruption, power and money are all tied together and very much interconnected. However, you can prevent corruption by removing the factors of money and power. What is power but a privilege greater for the one holding it than others around them? Money is a way of material gain AND gain of more power. Remove those two and you have less probability of corruption.

I am quite familiar with the history of Paulding County, the movie studio, airport, good ole boys network, county vs county court battles and so on. I am also familiar with the players that go way back to the 80's here that are still behind the curtain running the show.

I'm not just proposing term limits. Those yes, will make a huge difference, but as you have noted it will not cut down on corruption any less.

And here is the reason why corruption will still exists: these are the people that CHOSE to run for the position. They are ELECTED for campaigning for POWER that PAYS them for their time on top of it. Now they are INFLUENTIAL.

How do you motivate and give people an incentive? One way is to reward them, aka money, power, influence. Another way is a lot harsher: you take away all of those as a reward factor and penalize them further if they still don't comply.
The type of government I'm proposing is not made up of people running for office but the ones picked randomly by the wheel so to speak to do their DUTY. They get no special perks, no extra money, no extended health coverage, and no power. Which means they can't appoint their mother/father/brother/sister/cousin to whatever position it suits them or get extra gas points on their Kroger's card. They also would have to stay in line for 2 hours to get tested for covid and commute by driving themselves or take public transport instead of tax payers providing secret service to taxi them around. Matter of fact, secret service would not be even needed once you remove this power and influence factor from the equation.

I had a conversation about this Utopia Government yesterday with a friend who's a bit of history buff. He reminded me that our Founding Fathers indeed intended this kind of government and not what we have today. They did their DUTY for their country. George Washington didn't even want to be a president and did it because people asked him. He was needed so he did his duty. Not for extra pay, power, or influence. This would be one of the reasons things worked back then. Another was that nobody had the time to keep volunteering their services to the country, they did have their own homesteads, plantations, farms etc to run. So they met up, had their discussions, planned, worked out all of the details, put the plan into action and went back home all in a timely fashion. It didn't take them months to deliberate on where a pothole needs to be fixed on a county road. And they didn't have time to be offended. They had their own businesses and lives to run. Oh and they weren't compensated for their services to the country. The moment that happened is when we went back to being governed by "Kings and Queens" and all of their "Lords and Favorites".

So if you made some random citizens serve their civic duty, make it mandatory, do not compensate for it other than replacing the wages this citizen would normally get from their regular job they would have to give up temporarily possibly, create penalties for failing to uphold their duty as an upstanding citizen (no dui's, drug use, bribes etc) and you will get a government full of people that just want to get this bill passed and go home to get back to their business. They'll be drafted, rather than running for office, which creates a whole different outlook of a person doing the job.

The problem is, everybody thinks they are entitled to compensation and special perks of serving their country, which is why my idea of government is nothing more but a Utopia dream. But entitlement is an issue for a different post so I will leave it at this for now.
Here's the problem. Most people are too damn stupid to have the responsibility of running a county, state or nation. Hell they can't run their own damn household. Don't believe me? Watch the boob tube or go on social media for 24hrs then let me know. Also while I believe in term limits the constant turnover of the people involved in complex issues would not allow any continuity and nothing would ever get done. I served on a board of directors for nine years (3 terms) and after a turnover of the board (the terms were staggered) it would take another year to get everyone back on the same page to really understand the impact on the industry. By the way I get the OP is hypothetical and somewhat tongue and cheek these are just my views about the scenario.
Here's the problem. Most people are too damn stupid to have the responsibility of running a county, state or nation. Hell they can't run their own damn household. Don't believe me? Watch the boob tube or go on social media for 24hrs then let me know. Also while I believe in term limits the constant turnover of the people involved in complex issues would not allow any continuity and nothing would ever get done. I served on a board of directors for nine years (3 terms) and after a turnover of the board (the terms were staggered) it would take another year to get everyone back on the same page to really understand the impact on the industry. By the way I get the OP is hypothetical and somewhat tongue and cheek these are just my views about the scenario.
There's also a danger of having whole bunch of random wackos all serving the term at the same time that a psych eval didn't catch. Oh wait, I think that scenario is already being played out.

As for your concern of stupid people running the country, I only have one thing for you: we already have those in place, AOC is only one of the latest.
Actually historically not true.
A good number of Americans, among other nations, fled “hateful capitalism” in the 1920-1930’s to join the fight of the Communist Party. They honestly believed in the concept and were gravely shocked by the actual socialistic and communal living.
Some of them ended up dead from eventually being sent to labor camps. Most were simply shot shortly after arrest for espionage.
The lesson here should be:
Actually historically not true.
A good number of Americans, among other nations, fled “hateful capitalism” in the 1920-1930’s to join the fight of the Communist Party. They honestly believed in the concept and were gravely shocked by the actual socialistic and communal living.
Some of them ended up dead from eventually being sent to labor camps. Most were simply shot shortly after arrest for espionage.
The lesson here should be:
I guess that is true:

We had friends my mom grew up with. They were a great family but were hippies before hippy was a thing. They crossed the border to Mexico and birthed their kids in Mexico so the kids would have dual citizenship and be able to buy land there and or run a business. Five kids, the youngest was my age.

To my knowledge they never owned land or a business in Mexico. The closest they got was going for dental care in Mexico. :nocomment:

One of their children has a successful goat cheese farm in Sonoma, CA. Another is an architect in Alaska, another an Environmental Lawyer in Fresno, CA, another lives in Sweden with his Swedish wife and 4 kids- No clue what his job is.. One died of Tuberculosis at the age of 20... probably from going to Mexico, ironically... he was sick a long time, but the doctors did not think to look for Tuberculosis, finally he was so sick they admitted him to the hospital and figured out it was TB, however by the time they found it, they could not save him.

Over the years the mom did buy rental properties and land all over California, with her passing last year the kids were left with a large inheritance.