I hate to get serious, BUT


Expert Driver
Has anyone here been through a child support battle? More specifically, a battle where the ex is remarried.

I am in the middle of one now and have been since May. I have been wanting to ask some questions and get a little advise, but couldn't do it on the other site. I think it's safe here.

I think dads or moms that don't pay their fair share of supporting their kids are slime. I hope you have a good attorney. Is this for a modification or non-support??
We have. But I don't know how I can help. In our case, we were the non-custodial parents at the time.

Plus, it's been 14 years ago. But I'll certainly answer any questions I can to try and help.

And Madea could probably offer some GREAT advice.
That was weird. I replied and the whole topic disappeared. LOL

Anyway what I said was dads or moms that don't pay their share of child support are slime. I hope you have a good attorney. Is this a modification or non-payment of support?
And Madea has offered great advise before, but I hate to always bother her. LOL

My ex is over $60,000 in arrears. He is self employed. He does jobs, has checks made out to himself, and cashes them at the customer's bank. He is trying to claim to make less money than I do. He is now paying some money through child support enforcement, but less than half of what he is ordered to pay.

One of my questions is, do they ever take the new spouse's income into consideration? In other words, would the Judge look at the household income rather than just what he claims to make himself?

Naturegirl, we have both cases going right now. When I filed for non-payment through CSE, he filed a private action for a modification.
I do know that they will NOT take his wife's income into consideration. It's not a household thing. It's a parent thing.
Do you have an attorney?? There are some things that we just shouldn't try to do without an expert. Court would be one of them, refinishing floors would be another. :)) :)) :))

I don't know IF, I think things have changed over the last few years. They may include the household income now. Where's Madea when you need her!! ::lookingundermydesk:: ::eek:ntheothersideofmymonitor:: , Nope not there.

I'm so sorry you're going through this. I honestly don't know how a parent could cheat their child out of support. And that's what it is. Children have the right to be supported by BOTH parents. To not pay support is to turn your back on your children. Mother or father. We always went above and beyond what was required. We wanted the children to see that we always supported them, no matter what.

When my stepson came to live with us, we continued to pay support for my stepdaughter, even though we didn't have to. My stepson's mother has never paid one dime to us for anything. As a parent, I couldn't live with myself!
naturegirl said:
Do you have an attorney?? There are some things that we just shouldn't try to do without an expert. Court would be one of them, refinishing floors would be another. :)) :)) :))

I don't know IF, I think things have changed over the last few years. They may include the household income now. Where's Madea when you need her!! ::lookingundermydesk:: ::eek:ntheothersideofmymonitor:: , Nope not there.


The last change I knew of a few years ago, was that now BOTH parents income is calculated to come up with a support figure. (Before it was just a percentage of the non-custodial parent's income.)

And if you don't have an attorney, I recommend Dean Bucci. He's here in Paulding County.
Well, I cannot afford an attorney for both actions, so I am going in there alone in the CSE case in February. I am counting on the CSE to represent my kids like they are supposed to do.

I had been told that in certain situations, the Judge would consider the entire household income, but I don't know what those situations are.

I have plenty of documentation to prove his claims are lies. I just know he (they) are trying to pull some dirty stunts to get out of caring for his children.

The CSE case should happen before the modification does, however, the CSE has also postponed their case twice now to give us time to resolve the modification. They just keep stalling the mod.

We were supposed to have the CSE case held on Dec. 16th, and he faked a heart attack that morning and went to the ER instead. (rollingeyes)
Maybe so.

I know that they do take both bio parents income into accountability, but just wasn't sure about the other spouse. He is trying to say I make more than he does, which is not true.

The little support I am getting, has pretty much what it's costing me in lawyer fees, and I am doing most of the work myself to cut down on the cost.
This site might answer some of your questions. http://www.ocse.dhr.georgia.gov/portal/site/DHS-OCSE/
after my Brother died my parents got custody of my nephew... They hired a child support service to get the mom to pay. The service is like $50 a year . Money well spent if you ask me because the mom has to go through the service to contact the child and she has to send the money to them and they direct deposit it in my parents account

If she doesn't pay then they annoy her and can take a warrent out with the PoPo