I got to meet...

Guard Dad

Staff member
...Winchester today.

He ain't nearly as ugly as y'all said he was. ;D

Seriously, great to meet you, bro.
I enjoyed meeting you and RNG this morning! But she doesn't have all the warts you telling me about! lol

Now I know where to drop my trash off. haha And right around the corner from my office also.
Hey, Winchester, I hope you can make the Hwy lunch. I'm gonna try to be there. Ain't seen you in a while, dude! 8)
Grey Colson said:
Hey, Winchester, I hope you can make the Hwy lunch. I'm gonna try to be there. Ain't seen you in a while, dude! 8)

When is it? I'll have to add it to my calendar.
Yes it was fantastic to meet you Winchester and see the more people that meet me realize GD is full of hot air! (ZIP IT GD...I can hear your wheels turning...no comment from you) :rant
Guard Dad said:
mei lan said:
Winchester is a man? :embarrassedface:

Well, it said it was a man. Who am I to question?

Hey Hey HEY! Thong boy! lol

Yes, it is true. I have been since a very young lad. But all that almost changed when I was 14....due to a meeting of a motocycle and a chain link fence. That's a story for another time.