Hwy drivers, please read

Guard Dad

Staff member
I've been getting pretty aggressive about banning IPs of spammers. I don't think there's much danger of locking any of you out; I only ban the ones that are overseas or on the spam database.

But if your IP does, accidentally get banned, please shoot me an email. If you go to the very top forums, Rules Of The Road and Contact Info, then click on Dallas Hwy Contact Info, there is an embedded email link in the text. That emails me, and if you include your IP in the email, I will un-ban it.

You can see what your IP is by using one of many IP checker sites. IP Chicken, WhatIsMyIP, etc.


Your friendly neighborhood Guard Dad
Possible dumb question....if an IP is blocked, are you still able to view the post to get your email address? Does the IP block prevent access completely or just prevent posting?
Possible dumb question....if an IP is blocked, are you still able to view the post to get your email address? Does the IP block prevent access completely or just prevent posting?
Not sure, but I think it just keeps you from logging in.

There again, I picked up an IP that is banned on P'Scum, and it blocks me from reading it.

Hey @rolltidega - do you know?
Well, I'm glad cptlo questioned this, we tried it and you won't even be able to view The Hwy if your IP is blocked. So please be sure to save the email address I posted in Area 51