Help!!! Cat in heat!!



11 days before getting fixed, my cat has gone into heat. How long will this last? Its horrible!!! Its like having 2 MamaHogs in the house. I swear, between the 2 of them I was nearly raped 17 times. I had to sleep with my eyes open last night.
Buy some earplugs. oh em gee the noise a cat in heat can make ... that alone is enough to make me spay any female cat I may ever own. Never again will I go through that.
BeatBoxinGranny47 said:
11 days before getting fixed, my cat has gone into heat. How long will this last? Its horrible!!! Its like having 2 MamaHogs in the house. I swear, between the 2 of them I was nearly raped 17 times. I had to sleep with my eyes open last night.

But it is bad! The worst part is that our male cat, who was fixed just 3 weeks ago, has taken an interest in her. Last night was HORRIBLE because we had to separate them and it was like the battle of the duelling meows. I barely slept!
Think about something that is not your dad scratching himself with a salad fork. :sick