He signed it

Guard Dad

Staff member
Says information to follow, wonder what that is?

It appears he signed the bill that was passed by Congress last week to avoid a shutdown. He's sending Congress a redline version of the bill identifying all the wasteful spending. The House will be voting tomorrow to send adults $2,000 and $600 for children.

There's no way in Hades the Democrats will come up with a revision to this bill to eliminate the wasteful spending. I seriously doubt the Republicans in Congress will support $2,000 to each American.

The people and small businesses in this country have been royally screwed because of this pandemic and how so many of our elected officials have politicized it. We are going to be screwed further after Jan. 20th.
The scuttlebutt is that he's received promises that congress will pass another $2000 per person relief bill. While I'm sure some people are in need of help, I would rather both sides stop all the rhetoric that is already slowing the economy down. The Biden policies will further damage the economy, putting us in worse shape still.

I've seen nothing to indicate any of the pork will be cut out of the bill, so all that money is flushed down the toilet. Why people keep voting for politicians who do this is beyond me. My guess is that the typical loyal Democrat has no idea of the spending, and if they do they probably think it' all the Republican's fault (not that they don't get some of the blame).
Free money...free money...the goobermint loves and cares for us. All they want is my vote for and blind allegiance for $600-$2k. What could possibly go wrong?
Here are my thoughts that others posted in these articles:

I think I'm tired of listening to and talking about politics. Nothing is ever decided or resolved. It's like watching 25 years of "Days of Our Lives". Nothing but a soap opera that mostly serves its sponsors and relies on its mesmerized minority audience for survival. Yes, political junkies are a minority.

I understand the senate does not support upping the checks to $2,000 because of spending. They had no problem approving the hugh pork bill that gave our money (which we don't have) to other countries, in addition to giving themselves a yearly raise. Tired of these politicians.

Everyone’s blaming the democrats or republicans. When we talk about how much money we should get or how much they spend. Both parties are at fault for the national debt. And they are laughing at us , because we are arguing about who’s right and wrong.
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I understand the senate does not support upping the checks to $2,000 because of spending. They had no problem approving the hugh pork bill that gave our money (which we don't have) to other countries, in addition to giving themselves a yearly raise. Tired of these politicians.
This runoff election is a prime example of the problem with turning them out. If we do it willingly at this point, we are selling our souls to the devil! As much as we need term limits,,, what we need even more is better organization as an electorate during the primaries to simply eliminate incumbents. The most feared thing a politician should want to see by their name is not a D or R or L,,, it should by an "I"!!!