God sent the Marine


Driving Instructor
Posted on FB

A College Professor stood on his chair & said "If GOD really exists then knock me off this chair!". Nothing happened, as the class was quiet he said, "See! Now I'll give it a couple more minutes!". A Marine Vet stood up & punched him in the face, knocking him out & off the chair. As the Professor came to, he looked at his student & said, "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?". He said, "GOD was busy protecting my buddies still fighting for your right to say & do stupid stuff like this, so HE SENT ME!"

:B_S :B_S
It's not true. I just thought I'd get ya'll going for a little bit.
Foxmeister said:
It's not true. I just thought I'd get ya'll going for a little bit.

It has gone around fb a couple of times in the last few years. At least this one, whether true or not, is one I can get behind! (I could not stand most of my liberal college professors and at the time I was way more excepting of morons than I am now. :laugh )
Foxmeister said:
It's not true. I just thought I'd get ya'll going for a little bit.
Are you sure? Hummm.........
I know a few Marines, Soldiers, and even a couple of Sailors that very well might have done something like that. Cept I don't think they would have said "stuff." :))