Gas can vent

Captain Rhett Butler

Driving Instructor
Have you ever simply tried to add a little gasoline to the lawnmower or weed trimmer and wound up spilling it all over the driveway due to these new nozzles that are environmentally friendly, spill proof nozzles?

When you tilt the gas can up and nothing comes out, so you tinker with the nozzle and then whoosh, there it goes all over the place. You can't make this stuff up.

So, how's your afternoon going?
I buy the "water can conversion kits" from Amazon and convert mine to old style gas cans that worked.
One of the happiest days of my life was dragging my old, worn-out lawnmower out to the curb and putting a sign on it that read: Free to a Good Home

We don't have grass here, just cactus, trees and a lot of rock.
I can relate....I was glad to give my pool away free with our home when we sold it.
I can relate....I was glad to give my pool away free with our home when we sold it.
Oh yes, the pool.....

We have a pool guy that comes here once a week.
Gotta pay him, plus the chemicals, plus maintenance and repairs... etc.

So, how many times did I go swimming last year? Once. That's right, one time.

( although, year before last, I was in it a lot. I'd workout at home & then for for a swim to cool down... maybe it's time to start that back up again.)
I once though about buying a 20 gallon version of that container with a 6' hose, but I couldn't figure out how I would get 160 pounds of fuel out of the back of my truck!