David Hogg Leaves Pillow Company He Launched to Compete with Mike Lindell

I think the kid realized he was in over his head. The kid attended Harvard for a couple of semesters. He was accepted having an SAT score of 1270 when the school requires a score of 1460 to be considered. Harvard only wanted him because of all the attention he was getting since the shooting at his high school and the anti-gun activism he's been doing.

He has some issues, i.e. dyslexia, ADHD, and PTSD. I think he's milking the PTSD to his advantage, which makes me strongly suspect he does not have it.
Best I can tell, this turd has never actually done anything but run his mouth. He's mediocre in every way, he's never managed anything or built a business in his life. I'm aware of zero accomplishments from him other than being a loudmouth.