CDC Urges COVID Vaccines During Pregnancy as Delta Surges

Oh heck no. Our DIL is currently pregnant and due at the end of October, she's hasn't had the jab and doesn't plan on getting it. She plans to breast feed for a while and has major concerns on what risk the jab may place on the baby.
My daughter in law too. She is due in December.

They have no long term studies on effects it may have on fetus.
I understand they put the info they had all under pregnant. Initially it was by which trimester. The jab early in pregnancy was causing spontaneous loss of pregnancy. Not wanting that to come out, they are mixing all effects together so that it is hard to see.

When my doctor did not want me to take anything stronger than Tylenol, there is no reason to put an emergency authorized vaccine in a healthy young woman.
The risk/reward skews to protection of fetus first since a young fit woman, if she got Covid, would likely have no problem getting well.
CDC’s Own Stats Show 1,270 Premature Fetal Deaths Following COVID Shots but Recommend Pregnant Women Get COVID Injections The U.S. CDC announced today that they have "new data" that they claim shows that the COVID-19 experimental injections are now safe for pregnant women. Of course they have been recommending all along that pregnant women get the experimental injections, so it appears that this is just a new marketing strategy to get more pregnant women to get the shots. A search of the CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) lists 1,270 premature fetal deaths in pregnant women following one of the experimental, non-FDA approved COVID-19 injections. The CDC admits that this "new study" of nearly 2,500 pregnant women who received an mRNA COVID-19 injection before 20 weeks of pregnancy had 13% of them suffer miscarriages. They concluded that: "The known severe risks of COVID-19 during pregnancy demonstrate that the benefits of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine for pregnant people outweigh any known or potential risks." But what exactly are these "benefits" of receiving a COVID-19 "vaccine" that "outweigh the risks?" They admit they don't stop transmission, they admit you can still get COVID-19 after being vaccinated, and they admit that people who are fully vaccinated are still dying. The CDC protects the pharmaceutical industry. They get caught lying all the time. They are not your friend, they don't care about your health, and they don't care if your unborn baby lives or dies. #covidbioweaponshots #covidvaccineskillbabies #eugenics #plandemic #bigpHARMa

CDC’s Own Stats Show 1,270 Premature Fetal Deaths Following COVID Shots but Recommend Pregnant Women Get COVID Injections​
I spoke with our son this morning, he said he feels better today but is going to take it easy today and through the weekend. He sounded much better over the phone today. Also, his wife shows no signs of symptoms.
The problem with statistics is they can always be bent however someone wants to prove a point.

The CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is useless as anyone can report a problem, whether it actually was due to the vaccine or not. Without proof the problem was linked to the vaccine, the stats are worthless.

Have a team slap the arm of 50,000 people and in a week you are likely to have a couple of deaths and a lot of illnesses. Is it the fault of the slap or just what would have happened anyway?

In the US, For women who know they're pregnant, about 10 to 15 in 100 pregnancies (10 to 15 percent) end in miscarriage. (March of Dimes)

If they got the shot, its' not hard to understand how some miscarriages occur with a couple of weeks of getting the shot.

Liars use statistics and statistics can lie.