Bill Gates: Rich nations should move to '100 percent synthetic beef'

So if we eat all the plants, where will our oxygen go?? I know I am being a bit facetious but there is always a downside to everything. What about chicken or turkey? OK to eat that or only Tofurkey? Nah, I will eat the real stuff.
Rich nations should be able to do whatever they like to do.

There's a little thing called Civil Liberties .... you know, freedoms from say... an unjust government or other influences.... like egotistical, entitled, punk-ass billionaires.

or in other words:

I'll make you a deal...Mr. Bill...give me one Bill (as in billion) and I'll promise to never eat real beef again.
I would like to see some real stats as to how much the US contributes to global warming compared to China and India.

It feels like we're always blamed for all this, and I suspect some of the other countries are at least as bad, if not worse.