Biden questions memory voters

Wow did Joe piss off the natives with that statement.... just a few of the comments I chose because I agree:

I remember how bad things were under Obama.

Highest unemployment in history, highest number of people on welfare, highest number of people on food stamps, lowest GDP in recent history, and the inflation rate was flat-lined. The only place people could make money was in the stock market and if you look at it today, the stock market has more than doubled with Trump in office.

Until the pandemic, brought to us courtesy of China, we had the highest employment in history, highest employment for all minorities, lowest unemployment in decades, economic boom, the numbers in all areas were up. And now that the pandemic is lessening, Trump is setting new records every day on people returning to work.

Lets not forget all those jobs Obama created. As full time employees with one job had to go get a second job because their employers couldn't afford Obamacare for them and made them part time. Yes sir, job creation was number one with this guy.

And many self-employed people haven't been able to afford personal health care since because it went from $90/month to $500/month overnight under HusseinCare

I'm better off now than 4 years ago cause 4 years ago when I wasn't able to afford health insurance, every time I filed my taxes, I had to pay a penalty from the Obama Administration for not having health insurance to the tune of $699.00 and that was Extortion as far as I'm concerned.. You can't punish and fine someone for not having healthcare and Obamacare was simply NOT affordable and not an option at the time.. Thanks to Trump for lifting that Mandate, I managed to save a little more $$$ in the process..

you had to get Obamacare or pay the fine & file papers with taxes or buy the insurance which was WORTHLESS.. no doctors wanted to accept it - hard to find doctors. Remember Jonathan Gruber? Quote - "Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage,” Gruber said. "And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."

As a small business owner, the Trump economy has been great, even with minor setbacks from Covid this year and it's nice having a President that doesn't say "You didn't build that". Biden's proposed taxes would be crushing for small business owners looking to sell their business with an increase in the tax rate from 37% to 52% on income above $400k (39.6% income+12.4% self employment) for businesses with a lot of sweat equity not eligible for capital gains.

Democrats always say, look how well we brought the economy back after the 2008 crash.... Fact is, USA ranked 32 out of 36 of industrialized nations in terms of recovery.... It took over 6 years to get back even. It took Canada 2 years. Obama / Biden were failures by any measure.