Berkeley Battle...

It occurs to me that we've sent our children to public schools where they've been indoctrinated by leftist garbage, and this is how they turn out.

They've been programmed to attack anything racist. Mind you that thing doesn't have to be racist. One need only apply the racist label and they go after it. It's like a trigger word.

Ask any of them to explain why they're upset, and they can't give a coherent reply. They can only say the words. You know... Racism, misogyny, xenophobia, etc. Even though in most cases those words are labels that have been incorrectly applied.

The left has been preparing for this since the 50s by taking over our education system and the entertainment industry. Yeah the right won the election this time, but that doesn't mean we're out of the woods. Not by a long shot.
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I was listening to an interview given by the Berkley president stating the rioters were not students, but were from a right wing organization. He also stated the university did not cancel Milo, but the police did stating it was unsafe to have him there. What a clown.
It's just a good way to deflect from Soros and his folks on the payroll.
Ya know...I always thought we threw his name around too much, that maybe he wasn't as influential as we thought. When I did all that research awhile back, I found it it was far WORSE than I thought. He rules the Democratic Party, some of the Republicans, much of the media, etc.
So I read this morning that one of the "rioters" was actually a staff member of Berkeley. Fake news? Who knows anymore.