Believe it, Or not

Guard Dad

Staff member
OK, kinda gross but necessary.

Last two Saturdays my wife cut the grass (she does the riding part) and apparently got into some dog poo. When she pulled the mower back into the basement it stunk the place up and I had to pull it back out and wash it down to get the poo off both Saturdays. There's this bulldog that comes around, and dunno what that dog eats, but his stank will knock a buzzard off a garbage truck!

Fast forward...

This evening at the gym, I started smelling dog poo shortly after I walked inside. Checked my shoes, nuttin. Smelled it where ever I went in there, even after I got outside. Weird!

I got home and learned that she has mowed, and was doing so at the exact time I was smelling dog poo. And yes, she got into the poo again.

Was I channeling her olfactory system and having sympathy smells?
Guard Dad said:
I think I had a close encounter of the turd kind.

As you like to say...Groan :p

If you go out and scoop a few of them up ahead of time, you could add them to your collection ;D
Jack Reacher said:
Guard Dad said:
I think I had a close encounter of the turd kind.

As you like to say...Groan :p

If you go out and scoop a few of them up ahead of time, you could add them to your collection ;D

Now, you know that one was good! Admit it.