Are any of you looking forward to vacation?

Grey Colson

Staff member much as I am?

Just about 89 days until we leave for Daytona to set up the beach canopy and set out on the beach for a full five days of saying "beat it" to the world and "Hello" to sand and surf. I'm setting up a meeting with a local book club when I can pull myself away from the coast one evening and plan on passing out a few book markers I'll be making to promote the novel. We are probably looking forward to this year more than any past vacations. Anyone like to join us? We have a two bedroom condo. :DN

Check out grey Colson's beach canopy 8) We can make sandwiches and fly kites :DN :suntn :suntn

I don't plan anything that far in advance any more! :laugh

Think I can squeeze the whole family in that second bedroom? :))