AOC once again demonstrates how stupid she is

Boss 302

Pursuit Driver
At a virtual town hall meeting, she was asked about the increase in VIOLENT CRIME in NYC. She responded with, "“Do we think this has to do with the fact that there’s record unemployment in the United States right now? The fact that people are at a level of economic desperation that we have not seen since the Great Recession?"

"Maybe this has to do with the fact that people aren't paying their rent and are scared to pay their rent and so they go out, and they need to feed their child and they don't have money," Ocasio-Cortez continued, "so they feel like they either need to shoplift some bread or go hungry.”

How many cases of shoplifting are violent? NYC had 15 shootings occur in 15 hours on Saturday. During the 4th of July weekend, there were 44 shootings with 8 people killed. How many were shoplifting to steal bread to feed their children? Those who became unemployed during following the shutdown are not only getting unemployment from the state, but an additional $600 a week from the federal government. I doubt anyone shot somebody stealing a loaf of bread.
At a virtual town hall meeting, she was asked about the increase in VIOLENT CRIME in NYC. She responded with, "“Do we think this has to do with the fact that there’s record unemployment in the United States right now? The fact that people are at a level of economic desperation that we have not seen since the Great Recession?"

"Maybe this has to do with the fact that people aren't paying their rent and are scared to pay their rent and so they go out, and they need to feed their child and they don't have money," Ocasio-Cortez continued, "so they feel like they either need to shoplift some bread or go hungry.”

How many cases of shoplifting are violent? NYC had 15 shootings occur in 15 hours on Saturday. During the 4th of July weekend, there were 44 shootings with 8 people killed. How many were shoplifting to steal bread to feed their children? Those who became unemployed during following the shutdown are not only getting unemployment from the state, but an additional $600 a week from the federal government. I doubt anyone shot somebody stealing a loaf of bread.
The dishonesty is strong in this one Obi-Wan

The perps aren’t afraid to carry guns and cops are afraid to do their jobs. It’s hands off. They’re afraid of getting jammed up. If it’s not in plain view, they’re not going to take action.”

As a representative in that state, you would think she would know why each was shot and "say their names" ... isn't she outraged people died and use this opportunity to "say their names" ... that's what all the good little socialists tell us we have to do.

If they aren't paying their rent, or are scared to pay their rent, they should have quite a bit on money to buy bread to eat... rent is expensive in NYC.
She was actually elected by a very small number in an election that people didn't seem to care about. She received less than 16,000 votes.

I bet they turn out the vote next time.
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The girl is so stupid. When you have compliant citizens, you don't need as strong a police force. When citizens live within community standards and laws, you don't have much interaction with the police force.

Urban areas run by democrats have allowed, (through reduction in community standards, dependence on government, perpetuating a victimhood mentality through progressive educations, villainizing police, and telling the citizens you can rob "the man" because he is insured,) people to rob, steal, riot, rape, shoot people, join gangs, drop out of school so that they are not viable in a job market, support the idea of families don't need fathers, or several baby daddys with no husband is a normal thing.

The community structure that suburbs have is no longer there in the urban areas, will never be there with leaders like AOC. Urban areas will need more police to try to protect the population as these radical leaders further support destruction of the laws that keep society safe, that we embrace in the suburbs.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), when asked what an America with “defunded police” looks like, stated that it “looks like a suburb.

“The good news is that it actually doesn’t take a ton of imagination,” Ocasio-Cortez began in her typed response, seemingly blaming the struggles of urban areas, almost entirely, on overemphasizing police departments.

“It looks like a suburb. Affluent white communities already live in a world where they choose to fund youth, health, housing, etc more than they fund police,” she wrote.

“These communities have lower crime rates not because they have more police, but bc they have more resources to support healthy society in a way that reduces crime,” the lawmaker continued, contending that white communities “bend over backwards to find alternatives to incarceration for their loved ones to ‘protect their future,’ like community service or rehab or restorative measures.”

“Why doesn’t the criminal system care about Black teens’ futures the way they care for White teens’ futures?” she asked.

Ocasio-Cortez also claimed that “affluent white suburbs” also “design their own lives so that they walk through the world without having much interruption or interaction with police at all aside from community events and speeding tickets”:

Who is going to inform AOC the suburbs reject all of her policies, that is why we can choose to fund youth, health, housing, etc more than we fund police,”
She says defund the police looks like a suburb. Once again she demonstrates how stupid she is. The suburbs all have their own police departments and they're funded pretty damn good.

She is correct that there is a link between crime rates and poverty. What she refuses to acknowledge that those cities with high poverty communities and high crime rates are run by Democrats. Her party doesn't care about the people living in those crime infested poverty areas. They've never cared about them. Her party keeps telling them lies and keeping them in poverty. If AOC's ideas were put into place; it wouldn't take long for the country to turn into a disaster like Venezuela. Look at how fast socialism turned a prosperous country into a third world country.