Anyone found any lost marbles?

Funny, when I read the title, without opening it... I thought they must be Joe Biden's!

I heard a radio program tonight where they played many clips of Biden taking credit for pinning a medal on a military person... problem was the person, circumstance and details changed all over the place so it was all concocted lies.

Then they told of many other lies... and asked why none of the media types in the msm ever pointed out all Joe's lies?

Wacky that he is the best the dems have to offer for the 2020 race for president.
Even if Warren takes the top spot in the polls for the primary, the DNC will try to slide their candidate in.
I read an interesting article. The huge money in the Democratic Party is behind Butedgege(sp). They are determined to get him on that final debate stage.

After the final debate is set, they will follow polls and back anybody but Sanders.