Anyone bought furniture here? How was your experience.....

CRAP! My computer got a virus on it yesterday, so I am sitting at my bosses computer. He has the old one and the sound won't work.

I can't watch until I get home now.
fit~fab~free said:
CRAP! My computer got a virus on it yesterday, so I am sitting at my bosses computer. He has the old one and the sound won't work.

I can't watch until I get home now.

Sorry about your computer. Gay porn sites are loaded with viruses from what I hear. :B_S
Blazing Saddles said:
fit~fab~free said:
CRAP! My computer got a virus on it yesterday, so I am sitting at my bosses computer. He has the old one and the sound won't work.

I can't watch until I get home now.

Sorry about your computer. Gay porn sites are loaded with viruses from what I hear. :B_S

You ain't right!
Blazing Saddles said:
fit~fab~free said:
CRAP! My computer got a virus on it yesterday, so I am sitting at my bosses computer. He has the old one and the sound won't work.

I can't watch until I get home now.

Sorry about your computer. Gay porn sites are loaded with viruses from what I hear. :B_S

From what you hear?
fit~fab~free said:
CRAP! My computer got a virus on it yesterday, so I am sitting at my bosses computer. He has the old one and the sound won't work.

I can't watch until I get home now.

Sounds like you guys need me to come by :CPU

:) :)
You've actually been here before to clean up my bosses computer. It worked better for a while, but not so much any more.

The boss has a friend that he usually drags in here when we have computer issues. He knows how to fix them temporarily any way, but my boss is convinced he knows what he's doing. (rollingeyes)
Ahhhh, I just put 2 and 2 together. I remember now. Sounds like his probably needs to be re-installed from scratch if it keeps having issues.
I don't think I would shop at that store. I would be afraid of running into the Expanics. They sound rather frightening.