And the purge continues

The owner of one of the small companies I do side work for emailed today saying he wanted his company website to be moved off of AWS. Fortunately it was easy since the website has never been hosted on AWS. They do use AWS S3 for offsite backups but I've already had plans in place to move to a different (cheaper) host for that.

So all these decisions by Amazon, Twitter, etc. may hurt them in the long run if they start losing tons of business.
The owner of one of the small companies I do side work for emailed today saying he wanted his company website to be moved off of AWS. Fortunately it was easy since the website has never been hosted on AWS. They do use AWS S3 for offsite backups but I've already had plans in place to move to a different (cheaper) host for that.

So all these decisions by Amazon, Twitter, etc. may hurt them in the long run if they start losing tons of business.
here will be a few who leave them, but probably not enough for them to care.
AWS is a massive beast and hard to beat when it comes to locations and hardware. It would take some very large clients to leave AWS to even make a dent.
OK I disagree with these sites censorship but they are either private businesses or publicly traded businesses with BOD's and they have the right to do business with who they chose to do business with. In return we have the choice to not do business with them. That is the way capitalism works. If they were government owned different rules would apply to censorship. Fortunately or unfortunately the rules that apply to free enterprise work both ways whether they agree or disagree with your beliefs.