And here's another one to just let sit and simmer

For as long as I can remember, if a person was laid off or unemployed and they refused to return to work; their unemployment benefits were terminated. The additional $600/week the feds were giving was causing problems. Many laid off workers believed that because that money would continue if they claimed they feared going back to work with the pandemic still active. I saw a young lady on the news a week ago who said she was making more money on unemployment and was refusing to return to work when her employer reopened; claiming she was afraid she would catch the virus.
Yep, my son worked with a 19 year old who chose to no longer work because he said he was "fearful of getting the virus." He wanted the Fed money. His position was replaced, and he was mad that they replaced him. He thought his spot would just stay open while he relaxed at home being paid.

As an employer you can't make them come to work if they have a fear or an underlying health concern. You can let them know it might be hard to find a job after all of this, if we go into a recession again and there are no jobs, so it might be good to keep the position you have.

I have a form my corporate is having me give to my employees letting them know since they are working with the public, there is a chance they could be exposed to Covid-19. At the end of the document they chose to stay home due to their doctors recommendation or fear of the virus, or they choose to continue to work.
During the lockdown a good friend of mine lost his job at a legal firm downtown, he's in his mid-40's. He has applied for unemployment but of course has yet to receive anything. He's actively looking for another job in his field but is not sitting at home doing nothing. He delivers meals through DoorDash and also flips pizzas for a local pizza restaurant. I commend him for his efforts.
We are currently hiring. Our recruiter had scheduled three interviews for me to conduct, but the candidates were no shows. The problem is these people are most likely making a lot more on unemployment than they did while working and are just applying to a minimum of two jobs a week to keep their unemployment. Seeking employment also includes going to job interviews according to the Dept. of Labor. Failure to go to interviews can result in benefits being terminated. The state doesn't have the staffing to call and verify with those employers the unemployed listed as having applied with. The feds screwed up with that stimulus package. They should not have included giving the unemployed an additional $600 a week. What they should have done was added to the state unemployment capping total benefit to not exceed 75% of original income.
Another knee jerk political move during an election year. Anyone who did not see the consequences of this ridiculously high unemployment raise is an idiot. I have never had much faith in government. I now have zero faith in government. It may be throwing out the baby with the bath water but I am not voting for any incumbent. I am afraid I am very close to including the POTUS also. I won't vote for the left but I just may skip offices where an incumbent is the only choice.