Alleged Jeffrey Epstein co-conspirator Ghislaine Maxwell hires lawyer who helped take down 'El Chapo'

the quicker she talks, the better

although, not everyone might not want to accept what she has to say......

But can he keep her from getting a massive case of Corona?

Maxwell on Monday morning was moved to the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, where insiders say they are taking every measure possible to make sure she cannot meet the same fate as her former lover

I'd be asking to be moved *anywhere* but a New York Prison considering the issues NY,NY has had with Corona.
I wouldn’t necessarily be against waterboarding in this case.
She claims to have her "little black book" set to auto-release if she dies or is convicted. Don't know if that's true, but I'd like to see it so maybe she can shoot herself in the back of the head three or four times for us.
She claims to have her "little black book" set to auto-release if she dies or is convicted. Don't know if that's true, but I'd like to see it so maybe she can shoot herself in the back of the head three or four times for us.
I watched a video clip today on the subject. If true then hold on to your seat, it’s about to hit the fan. I’ll believe it when I see it.