9/11 10th Anniversary Tributes Today - What Touched You Most?

Beach Bum

Stunt Driver
Today was an emotional day for so many as we watched the tributes and paid respects once again to those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001.

ALL the tributes were spectactular but I guess if I had to narrow it down to five events that really caught my attention, the ones that really made me emotional were as follows:

1) State Farm commercial with the children singing to FDNY;
2) another was the image of Laura Bush wiping away tears and the very real emotion and compassion she showed during these tributes;
3) The tribute at Solider Field prior to the Falcons / Bears game in Chicago;
4) The precious daughter of the NYC police officer who lost her life on 9/11. The daughter was age 2 on 9/11 and wore this beautiful red dress at the ceremony awarding her mother a NYPD Medal of Honor - the pictures of this little girl wearing her mother's medal of honor that hung past her knees were something I will never forget.
5) James Taylor's version of "Close Your Eyes" after one of the moments of silence. This is a lullaby song that I used to sing to my children and now my grandchildren and it has held a special place in my heart. James Taylor's version below was incredible and made me stop and count my blessings. Here is the video:


What were your most memorable moments from the 9/11 10th Anniversary events from today?

I WILL NOT FORGET.................
the moments of silence today at Paulding Meadows and the flag retirement ceremony with the middle school chorus singing patriotic songs was very emotional for me! I never expected it to move me the way it did!
Since I was in the same place as RNG, I have to agree with her. :love

I haven't watched television all weekend, yet I was moved to tears more than once today. I will not forget either BB!!
Driving past the flags at Kennesaw Mountain with my family and seeing SOOO many other people out there. There was a man their with his family and he was wearing his fatigues. Several people stopped him to shake his hand. The pit in my stomach from 10 years ago returned today.
I'm going to drive by Kennesaw Mtn. later this week...I really want to see that.

Of the anniversary stuff, just watching the footage and hearing the eyewitnesses who made it out alive just brought it all flooding back (like it does every single time I see it), and I thought of all the people in those office buildings and at the Pentagon and those marvelous heroes on Flight 93 who died. I can't help but cry, and when I think of those guys on Flight 93 (who waited until they were over an unpopulated area), I just boo-hoo. God bless them every one.
It was a child, possibly 12 years old, at ground zero. She was laying her head over the name of a victim on the memorial, I assume her father, and just boo hooing.
We had ball games all day Sunday. My husband and oldest left home before my youngest and I did. I just couldn't stop watching the coverage. I was consumed by it then...10 years ago, and I'm still consumed by it.

I was watching FNC when the attack happened. I would watch the news as I fed my youngest breakfast each morning (he was 1 at the time) and I watched it all unfold that day. I've told him the stories so many times, and he has always been interested in the events, too. FNC showed their own coverage from that morning, and I called him in to watch it. To see it unfold again, in the exact same way, was very moving.
Seeing the faces that go with the names, as they were being called out on TV. I wanted to go to the ceremony at Kennesaw Mtn, I had two LEO friends participating, but didn't want everyone to see my mascara running so Marc and I will go this week one day.
I watched it with BabyB in my lap. We watched together. He didn't understand, and I cried because I was thankful of that.

His father and I had been dating less than three months when it happened. It was so scary for the two of us... he called me at work while I was wathing the first tower fall. When I came down to ATL to visit him for the the first time, I pulled over on I75 just south of the Delk Rd, b/c I saw a plane so close to the ground about to crash. It was a cargo plane landing at Dobbins. I had no idea.

I'll never forget.