Warren continues to dodge question

Boss 302

Pursuit Driver
She's been dodging the question about increases to middle-class Americans to pay for her Medicare for all proposal. She tried to dodge it again last night when Stephen Colbert pressed the issue. Her response was, "So, here's how we're going to do this," Warren responded. "Costs are going to go up for the wealthiest Americans, for big corporations... and hard-working middle-class families are going to see their costs going down."

He continued to press her to answer the question and her response was, "So, I accept your point and I believe in your point," Warren responded. "Health care is a basic human right. We fight for basic human rights, and that’s Medicare-for-all. Everyone gets covered."

She knows it will be necessary to increase taxes on the middle-class to pay for this. Look at any country that has single payer and you will see everybody in those countries pay a hell of a lot more taxes than we do in order to pay for it. She doesn't want to come out and say our taxes will be increased because she knows that would cost her votes and she would not become president. She's being dishonest with the voters and hopefully they are seeing through that.
She's been dodging the question about increases to middle-class Americans to pay for her Medicare for all proposal.
She knows it will be necessary to increase taxes on the middle-class to pay for this. Look at any country that has single payer and you will see everybody in those countries pay a hell of a lot more taxes than we do in order to pay for it. She doesn't want to come out and say our taxes will be increased because she knows that would cost her votes and she would not become president. She's being dishonest with the voters and hopefully they are seeing through that.
0bama lied too... and no one cared, he got elected twice.
'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'
We knew it was a lie, he was dodging the truth, but he was elected twice, she is doing what politicians do....lie
The math is exceedingly simple. A NET increase in Federal spending of some 38 trillion dollars over the first ten years. Some more than others, but take the average of $3.8 trillion per year.

The entire Federal budget is $4.6 trillion with a $1 trillion deficit. If we dangerously assume the same deficit rate of roughly 21% (causing it's own problems which we won't get into here) we must increase taxes by $3 trillion per year on top of the current $3.6 trillion, or by 83%

1 percent of the top 1 percent's wealth is about $2.4 trillion. The US would have to raise taxes elsewhere by $600 billion alongside the above mentioned $798 billion in increased borrowing which would generate at least $25 billion in increased borrowing costs.

That 823 billion dollars in annual tax increases not covered by current income proposals amounts to a staggering increase in taxes.
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