WWJD? Seriously...


I'm here to spin the moral compass.
Okay, we had some more crazy family drama on FB last night. I found it funny and managed to get myself unfriended by some of the crazies (which made it even funnier IMO). Anyway, during one of the posts, a crazy family member said that "Jesus would be on food stamps and medicaid if he were walking on earth today because he was poor." (This was from someone who called the rest of us ignorant).

So, do you think Jesus would be on government assistance? I'm ignorant so help a sister out....

P.S. I'm apparently a racist too, but that's another topic for later... :whistle
No, I don't think Jesus would be on government assistance. He would do just as he did in his lifetime. I keep telling people, Jesus instructed US to feed and assist the poor and the widows, not send the money to Cesear so HE could take care of the elderly, poor and the lazy.
LisaC said:
Okay, we had some more crazy family drama on FB last night. I found it funny and managed to get myself unfriended by some of the crazies (which made it even funnier IMO). Anyway, during one of the posts, a crazy family member said that "Jesus would be on food stamps and medicaid if he were walking on earth today because he was poor." (This was from someone who called the rest of us ignorant).

So, do you think Jesus would be on government assistance? I'm ignorant so help a sister out....

P.S. I'm apparently a racist too, but that's another topic for later... :whistle

Did they announce they were deleting people or cleaning up their "friend" list? :)) I love those!!! :laugh :laugh :laugh

I do not believe Jesus would be on assistance. :dunno

Let's get on to the racist comment.......
Somehow I doubt it, but I believe He might have a thing or two to say about our current society :whistle
Nope, He would not be on assistance, but he might get tired of eating fish and loaves.
J-man said:
Nope, He would not be on assistance, but he might get tired of eating fish and loaves.

But just think of the money he would save on wine...
Madea said:
I'm thinking a few overturned tables would only be the beginning.

Oh, snap!!!

Srsly? The Son of God, the Creator of the Universe, the Omnicient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent Lord of All, dependent on an earthly government for assistance? Yeah, that makes sense. ::)
mei lan said:
Madea said:
I'm thinking a few overturned tables would only be the beginning.

Oh, snap!!!

Srsly? The Son of God, the Creator of the Universe, the Omnicient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent Lord of All, dependent on an earthly government for assistance? Yeah, that makes sense. ::)

Apparently, there is a baby mama out there that justifies the receipt of her benefits on that very thought... Ignorance at its best...
I have nothing to add, except this is my first visit to the Religion forum.
stradial said:
I have nothing to add, except this is my first visit to the Religion forum.

Well, praise the Lord. Now you won't go to hell. I was really worried there.
Madea said:
No, I don't think Jesus would be on government assistance. He would do just as he did in his lifetime. I keep telling people, Jesus instructed US to feed and assist the poor and the widows, not send the money to Cesear so HE could take care of the elderly, poor and the lazy.
I so agree with you 100%......Wednesday nite Bible Study at our church ....the teacher did a live act play of how we are suppose to bring the whole tenth-part and offerings "to the storage house so there might be food in my house. Please test me in this, says the LORD of heavenly forces. See whether I do not open all the windows of the heavens for you and empty out a blessing until there is enough"........she had a table out and people were bringing a 10th of their harvest....beans..peas....corn...ect....money.....and with this 10th....it was to pay for the gate keepers...and those that worked in the temple.....and the church had plenty to give to the poor cause everyone did their part....I thought it was an awesome play......