Why do Democrats oppose school choice?

Boss 302

Pursuit Driver
The Democratic Party claims quite often how public education is so important; even going as far as saying everyone deserves a free college education. If they think education is so important and that everyone who wants to go to college should go for free; then why do they not support school choice? Public schools in inner cities are horrible and parents whose children attend those schools would like the choice to send them to better schools.

Here's something important to note. If you look at most any major cities school system you will find the kids attending public schools in affluent areas of the school district receive a good education; while those attending in the impoverished communities of that city are getting a terrible education. The school campuses in the affluent areas are in great shape; while those in the impoverished areas are not. The schools in the affluent areas are taken care of by the district leadership, while those in the impoverished areas are ignored.

It's the Democratic Party who are the majority on the local governments in these areas, so why don't they do something to improve those poor schools or offer school choice? It's because they don't care about the poor. The poor doesn't have the money to contribute to their election campaigns, but those in the affluent areas do. All you have to do is follow the money. They also look down on the poor. Look at how they treat them. What economic development programs have the Democrats initiated for those impoverished areas?

Here's the key reason why those people are not helped. The Democrats know those people will continue to blindly vote for them no matter what. The Democrats make promises to them they have no intention of keeping, but blame turn around and blame the Republicans. There's not enough Republicans on their government entities to block anything.

Democrats want to keep the poor poor so they are dependent upon the governments at all levels. It's slavery. The Dems want to make the middle-class poor for the same reasons - power over people.
Chicago has mass transportation that kids in the inner cities could use to get to better performing schools. The elected officials in Chicago don't want these poor kids going to the better performing schools because the parents who live in those better school areas would be pissed. Hell many of the Dems in Chicago don't want these poor kids mixing with their kids and getting a better education. They are hypocrites.
All that is true... I will add in the kids in impoverished areas often have community standards which are much lower for the value of an education.

The kids have no respect for anything. They have learned that in their community. Try to teach in a classroom where the kids do not have respect for the teacher, what is being taught, or have never heard from an adult or their community that an education is important. They consistently fight with each other and who ever asks them to participate, be civil, and sit in their seat to do work. That necessarily will produce failure. Failure of a classroom situation, failure of the teacher to be able to teach, and failure of the kids who might stand a chance of learning because of such a toxic and chaotic environment.

When a parent tells the kid they don't care if they go to school, do their homework or take a test, the kids is not set up to succeed.

Again make George Floyd an icon, the community standards will never lift up the future generation.