Trump tells 'Fox & Friends' election challenges 'not over' ahead of Electoral College vote

Not yet, let it play out until the end. Hold the line a little longer folks.
It's over. I would like to see tighter controls on mail in votes and the maintenance of registration rolls. That would put Stacy Abrams out of business.
The GOP should still have control in the GA Legislative branches. If they don’t pass some laws to tighten up the mail in ballots in this state then they are all idiots that deserve to lose their office.
I believe the electoral college is meeting today to make the election official.

I'm starting to wonder if Trump will do something crazy like declare marshal law?
Yes, if handing over our country's front door keys to the Socialists is what you mean. What could be crazier?
No, that scares the hell out of me. But I do worry about things like marshal law. There are risks and also consequenses for doing that
This goes along with the post above.

I know electors, at least in some states, are not bound by the popular vote; but just what if this was to happen. I'm sure there would be legal challenges, and then the other side would say Trump stole the election.

I knew this election was gonna suck.
The Supreme Court in response to challenges to Colorado's law giving their electors to the winner of the national popular vote pretty much outlawed faithless electors. I feel.quite confident that they would slap down any attempt at a rebellion on the floor.
I'm seeing reports that Georgia's electors all voted for Biden, and also that they voted for Trump.

Gotta love fake news.