Trump targets Seattle, Portland, NYC, DC by threatening federal funding for ‘anarchist’ cities

Guard Dad

Staff member
On Monday night, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo called Trump's effort an "illegal stunt."

"President Trump has actively sought to punish NYC since day one. He let COVID ambush New York. He refuses to provide funds that states and cities MUST receive to recover. He is not a king. He cannot "defund" NYC," the Democrat wrote on Twitter.

You can tell Cuomo is a Democrat; he has a short memory. I suppose he thinks Trump was trying to punish NY when he provided more ventilators than the state needed, as well as millions of PPE for first line workers. He obviously forgot about the Naval hospital ship he sent to NYC, as well as the field hospitals the Army Corps of Engineers constructed. How in the heck did Trump allow a virus to ambush NY or any other state for that matter? If Cuomo wants to complain about somebody ambushing his state with a virus; he should blame China. It's where the blame squarely belongs.

When Cuomo was accepting all these things Trump had the government and our military provide; Cuomo said Trump was doing a great job. What an ungrateful punk he is.
Lawsuits are winding their way through the courts, but it appears that they are leaning toward the ability to put enough strings on federal law enforcement funds to effectively put these cities on their own. One big one is not sharing seizure funds. These amount to millions of dollars.