Supreme Court Upholds Westboro Baptist Church Members\' Right to Picket Funerals

Jack Reacher said:
Supreme Court Upholds Westboro Baptist Church Members' Right to Picket Funerals

I think these people are ignorant idiots, but they do have the right to display their hate and ignorance. We can always find satisfaction in the fact that our God is the final Judge and every knee will bow before Him. It is my belief that there will be signifant punishment for those who do evil in the name of God Himself.
You beat me to the post. I am slow about reading the news this morning. I agree with you that this is evil work in God's name. I also agree with the Court ruling. We have to protect the right of free speech.
I disagree with the court's decision. A funeral is a sacred private event
and a family should have the right to bury their loved one in peace.

The right to protest is not absolute,
there is legal precedent for restriction :
There really HAS to be a way to protect the families from these idiots during the lowest time in their lives.
As I see it, there's two separate issues at play here.

From a constitutional aspect, Westboro does have the same right anyone else does to assembly and free speech. Honeybunny points out, local governments do have some latitude in regulating public assembly. I believe this issue could be handled though some fairly simple legislating by local governments requiring permits for such demonstrations.
Guard Dad said:
As I see it, there's two separate issues at play here.

From a constitutional aspect, Westboro does have the same right anyone else does to assembly and free speech. Honeybunny points out, local governments do have some latitude in regulating public assembly. I believe this issue could be handled though some fairly simple legislating by local governments requiring permits for such demonstrations.

I agree. Many municipalities have passed ordinances that prohibit demonstrations within certain distances from funeral homes and cemetaries, which is perfectly legal.
I agree with HB. While I read and understand the majority decision, I had hoped that the court would have reiterated and perhaps strengthen the rights of local governments to regulate the place and time of first amendment protests. They did not. I see no material difference between a residential neighborhood and a private funeral in that respect, but the court obviously disagrees with me.