Signs That Trump Isn’t Going to Win on Nov. 3

I hope more Libertarians follow. The stakes are too high this time to waste a vote on a party who can't even get their own crap together. When they do, I'll be listening, but until then, I'll vote to defeat evil.
Nope. Let me be clear. I want Donald Trump to lose just as bad as I want Biden to lose. I will not vote for either candidate. One will be elected, but I won't be a part of it. If you want to convince someone to vote for your candidate how about working on the 25 percent of voters who won't even bother to go to the polls. They would probably be an easier sell than the 3 percent who are paying attention and don't like your candidate, whichever one it is.
..and another thing [shakes finger at phone screen] what we need to be paying attention to is the Senate. That is where the power to stop the Democrats lies. Tell me how many times has Trump vetoed legislation. Practically none, because with a Republican Senate, the bullcrap never even reaches the President's desk. Lose that and it will be far more harmful to the conservative cause than Biden. The President should, as the Constitution intended,be far less powerful than he is, but he still can't make the laws that would ruin us.
..and another thing [shakes finger at phone screen] what we need to be paying attention to is the Senate. That is where the power to stop the Democrats lies. Tell me how many times has Trump vetoed legislation. Practically none, because with a Republican Senate, the bullcrap never even reaches the President's desk. Lose that and it will be far more harmful to the conservative cause than Biden. The President should, as the Constitution intended,be far less powerful than he is, but he still can't make the laws that would ruin us.
According to this, the GOP stands a good chance of loosing the majority in the Senate.

According to this, the GOP stands a good chance of loosing the majority in the Senate.

Just think what this country will look like in four years if the senate, house of representatives, and the President are all dems... the court system will then go progressive. Our country goes socialist/marxist in less than 4 years with "stupid girl and the squad" leading the parade to the "green new deal" and every other wet dream of the marxist brain washed younger generation.

Today is a "day of rage" for people who are mad about Columbus. Yes, totally normal and psychologically healthy to be sitting around in the year 2020 stewing over stuff that happened in the year 1500.

One of the participants of last night’s Portland antifa riot that resulted in the destruction of Roosevelt & Lincoln statues, in addition to the smashing of a museum & police office, is a woman who is running for Congress. #PortlandRiots #antifa


Antifa rioters in Portland have smashed up the Oregon Historical Society tonight.

..and another thing [shakes finger at phone screen] what we need to be paying attention to is the Senate. That is where the power to stop the Democrats lies. Tell me how many times has Trump vetoed legislation. Practically none, because with a Republican Senate, the bullcrap never even reaches the President's desk. Lose that and it will be far more harmful to the conservative cause than Biden. The President should, as the Constitution intended,be far less powerful than he is, but he still can't make the laws that would ruin us.
True, but the winner of the White House has coat tails. Meaning, that will affect the senate races.
We may (or may not) make it through 2020 but 2024 isn't looking good at all. I guess that gives us 4 years to prepare for living in a 3rd world country.
According to this, the GOP stands a good chance of loosing the majority in the Senate.

It's a real possibility, some people are mad about ACB. Pelosi's refusal to negotiate the release of a second round of $1200 checks is beginning to register with the voters however. They don't care that she isn't in the Senate, she is in Congress. Most people don't know or care about the difference.

It used to be, just a decade or so ago, that a divided Congress was a good thing. It required negotiation to get anything through, and negotiation often leads to a better solution than a mandate. Those days are gone since the parties are so far apart. There is simply little that they agree on, and when there is, they still demand their entire way just like children. But hey, we have more than enough laws anyway.