She felt it necessary to remind him he is a black man

Boss 302

Pursuit Driver
Chelsea Handler who once dated 50 Cent said on the Tonight Show, "So he doesn't want to pay 62 percent in taxes because he doesn't want to go from '50 Cent' to '20 Cent' and I had to remind him that he was a Black person, so he can’t vote for Donald Trump and that he shouldn't be influencing an entire swath of people who may listen to him because he's worried about his own personal pocketbook."

She exemplifies the racist mentality liberals have about black people. She and most liberals, and all Democratic Party office holders believe black voters should only be voting for Democratic Party candidates. In this instance, Handler felt it necessary to call out a black man on national TV, by telling the audience and viewers, that because 50 cent is black he is not entitled to think and decide for himself who to vote for; that because he is black he must vote for Biden.

Racism - prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another.

The Democratic Party and party supporters do not hesitate when a prominent black person supports a Republican candidate, to publicly chastise them by saying they are turning their backs to their race for doing so. That's clearly racism, because they believe a specific race of people should only being voting their party in each and every election. Those blacks who do not are punished by being publicly shamed and canceled out. Democrats hate free-thinking people of color; especially when they disagree with the party.
To be honest, the dems do that to every group.
I hear constantly that the college educated white women don't support Trump.

I wonder why that is said?... I am college educated, white, and I don't support Biden. I actually would say, I disagree with the platform Biden supports, and agree with what Trump proposes and has done to get our country back to full employment, which I have no doubt he will continue once we get corona behind us with treatments and vaccines.

Words matter listen to the way people who vote conservative are portrayed... it is all the Alinsky tactics.

Conservatives are said to be; not college educated, redneck, back wards, racists, stupid... well who is giving conservatives those monkiers? It is not other conservatives.

Democrats have used Alinsky's Rules for Radicals to label good people who support a Constitutional Republic and preserve liberty as everything bad, so that they can take our country to socialist/communist.

Too bad Chelsea Handler is too stupid to see the progressives have used her and all her other not so bright actors to advance their agenda.
To be honest, the dems do that to every group.
I hear constantly that the college educated white women don't support Trump.

I wonder why that is said?... I am college educated, white, and I don't support Biden. I actually would say, I disagree with the platform Biden supports, and agree with what Trump proposes and has done to get our country back to full employment, which I have no doubt he will continue once we get corona behind us with treatments and vaccines.

Words matter listen to the way people who vote conservative are portrayed... it is all the Alinsky tactics.

Conservatives are said to be; not college educated, redneck, back wards, racists, stupid... well who is giving conservatives those monkiers? It is not other conservatives.

Democrats have used Alinsky's Rules for Radicals to label good people who support a Constitutional Republic and preserve liberty as everything bad, so that they can take our country to socialist/communist.

Too bad Chelsea Handler is too stupid to see the progressives have used her and all her other not so bright actors to advance their agenda.
I think it's funny as hell the Democratic Party thinks more people with higher education vote for them than Republicans. I know far more people personally who never went to college than went to college who vote for Democrats in every election? Most of these same people live on the government teet and want the government to give them more.

I know far more people with a college education than without one who vote Republican. I have an MBA.
I think it's funny as hell the Democratic Party thinks more people with higher education vote for them than Republicans. I know far more people personally who never went to college than went to college who vote for Democrats in every election? Most of these same people live on the government teet and want the government to give them more.

I know far more people with a college education than without one who vote Republican. I have an MBA.
And seriously, what does that even matter? I know a lot of people with college degrees who are educated idiots, and a lot of high school dropouts who are brilliant. The lack of a formal education does not mean dumb, and a college degree does not insure that a person has a lick of common sense.

That's just talking points for the Democrats.

I think everyone here knows that I made poor choices as a teenager and didn't get a higher education. But I wouldn't be afraid to debate most Democrats.
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And seriously, what does that even matter? I know a lot of people with college degrees who are educated idiots, and a lot of high school dropouts who are brilliant. The lack of a formal education does not mean dumb, and a college degree does not insure that a person has a lick of common sense.

That's just talking points for the Democrats.

I think everyone here knows that I mad poor choices as a teenager and didn't get a higher education. But I wouldn't be afraid to debate most Democrats.
The point is they are bullies who label any "group" make each group a stereotype and then ridicule them if they do not vote for their platform... For those who they have decided to make a stereotype that do vote the platform, black for instance, they ridicule if they don't vote the platform.

I agree with boss... growing up I equated those voting democrat as those who would never excel past the government handouts. In school their families were the ones who lived off the government, and they never made it to class consistently, had no standards, would get stoned in school. In life the democrats were those who seemed never to be in control of their life always blaming others for their lack of success and need to take ever more from the government programs, when it was just bad life choices with no morals or ethics.

I was confused how, for instance, college professors could be so liberal, until my ultra smart cousin, became a professor. 30 years later I see the scam the Universities now have over the public. It has been gross to see the money she makes, and she might teach one class a semester. She has gone years without teaching, collecting her full salary plus grants to write about subjects that no one cares about. She is a publishing professor. With a doctorate from Harvard, the university cashed in on her. They use her in their statistical numbers when they toute the excellence of their teaching staff. And yet so few student will ever take a graduate class from her because she is rarely in the classroom. Ultimately taxpayer money pays for grants that are wasted resources. Parents pay outlandish amounts to the universities to pay for professors salaries who never ever teach a class. I now see that these available grants are just a scam on the taxpayer. It is hard to listen to her liberalism at family get togethers. She supports higher taxes, because ultimately it means her university will get more funding, and there will be more grants.

What a racket the left runs.
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And seriously, what does that even matter? I know a lot of people with college degrees who are educated idiots, and a lot of high school dropouts who are brilliant. The lack of a formal education does not mean dumb, and a college degree does not insure that a person has a lick of common sense.

That's just talking points for the Democrats.

I think everyone here knows that I made poor choices as a teenager and didn't get a higher education. But I wouldn't be afraid to debate most Democrats.
They're just pulling this stuff out of their asses.